XR-HUB: Demos visualization in education and research
When: | Th 02-02-2023 10:30 - 12:00 |
Where: | Reality Center CIT, Smitsborg, Nettelbosje 1, Groningen |
During this edition of the XR-Hub, you can attend a demonstration of a number of applications developed by team Visualization of the CIT for research and education.
Sign up
Send an email to realitycenter rug.nl and we will send an invitation via the UG Calendar.
The following applications will be covered:
- PleitVRij 1.0 JUR/RUG&VU/UU
- Mercator City 1.0 FRW/UG
- Kindergarten 2.0 GMW/UG&CHE/Saxion/
- Velight: Anatomy and Cinematograph on the Zspace LET/UG&UMCG
- Rebuild your Archeological site LET/UG
- Chemistry lab FSE/UG&WUR
- Virtual lab Communicatie in VR LET/UG
- 3D Brothers LET/UG
- Building Bounce Back Virtual job interview maps stress PSY/UMCG
- Return of the European bizon in the Netherlands - GELIFES/UG
- Imaging lightning FSE/UG

A great opportunity to get acquainted with the VR/AR/3D theater facilities of the RUG and the developers of team Visualization!
Video portfolio
Want to get an impression of the possibilities of visualization applications in research and education? Watch the video of team Visualization's portfolio!