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Society/business Center for Information Technology

Meeting XR hub: virtual brothers and imaging lightning

When:Th 01-07-2021 10:30 - 12:00

The XR hub organizes a (virtual) meeting every two months to share knowledge and experiences about the development and use of XR applications (augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), virtual reality (VR) and 3D).


Program 1 July:

10:30 a.m.: Welcome and introduction

10:45 a.m.: Broeders 3D - Margriet Hoogvliet (Faculty of Arts, History, University of Groningen)
‘Broeders 3D’ builds further on the latest developments in Digital Humanities and Spatial Humanities by recreating the now lost interior space of the house of the Brothers of the Common Life in Deventer in the period 1450-1500. The interactive reconstruction of two interior spaces with 3D models of original fifteenth-century books, writing tools, and furniture yields new insights into the history of religious reading and the preaching activities (collationes) by the Brothers. The 3D models of the books will be linked to the digitised copies of the Athenaeum Bibliotheek in Deventer. ‘Broeders 3D’ will offer an exciting historical field trip for students and the website will also be open for public outreach activities.

11:00 a.m.: Imaging Lightning with the LOFAR Radio Telescope - Brian Hare (Kapteyn Institute / University of Groningen)
In major clouds the circulation of air causes the ice-crystals in the air streams to rub against each other creating static electricity. At a certain point a spontaneous discharge occurs which we know as lightning. In spite of it being such a well-known phenomenon we still do not know how it initiates, and how it can propagate over horizontal distances of several tens of kilometers.
To investigate this we use LOFAR, a radio telescope with the center near Exloo, Drenthe, and with antennas spread over Europe to make 3D movies of the development of a lightning flash. One of the challenges is to cover the many orders of magnitude in the scales of interest. A flash may last a second but to understand the dynamics we may want to see what happens on the microsecond (10-6 s) scale. It may cover a distance of 10 km but we may want to see 10 m details. All of this in 3D.

In the presentation some of our latest results will be shown as well as how 3D-imaging, as developed by the CIT, will help in interpreting our images.

11:15 a.m.: Informal Meeting in

The language is English.

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