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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Theory of Condensed Matter Mostovoy Group

Theory of Condensed Matter 2

Magnetic ordering in condensed phase systems

The research group study topological spin textures as skyrmions to obtain fundamental understanding of the stability of such structures and how they can be manipulated. The research provide a gateway to understanding the physics of these nanoscopic structures, which can be used in development of for example memory devices of the future.

[1] Multiply periodic states and isolated skyrmions in an anisotropic frustrated magnet. A.O. Leonov, and M. Mostovoy, Nature Comm. 6:8275 (2015)
[2] Artificial chemical and magnetic structure at the domain walls of an epitaxal oxide. S. Farokhipoor, M. Mostovoy, B. Noheda et al. Nature 515:379 (2014)

A skyrmion crystal [1]
A skyrmion crystal [1]
Last modified:16 December 2015 2.22 p.m.