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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Solid State Materials for Electronics Blake Group

Master Thesis Offers

Miniaturization of ferroelectrics domains for non-volatile memory applications

Unlike commom dielectric materials, ferroelectrics remain polarized (display an electrical polarization) even in the absence of an electric field. Moreover, this polarization can be switched with an electric field from positive (up) to negative (down) by changing the sign of the applied voltage. This makes ferroelectrics very useful as memory bits.

Indeed, ferroelectric random access memories (FeRAM) are already in the market in many familiar devices such as Samsung cellphones or the Play Station 2. However, to increase the storage memory density to 1Tbit/in2, as required in many applications, is still an issue. To achieve that goal smaller and smaller ferroelectrics, with a size of about 25nm x 25nm, need to be built. In this project we want to explore the possibility of reducing the size of the ferroelectric bits by controlling the size of the ferroelectric domains that are intrinsically formed in thin films. In order to electrically address the bits, they will be electroded using a novel technique called "ferroelectric nanolithography" (see figure above). This technique allows to define smaller patterns than those achieved by standard lithographic techniques.

If you are interested in joining us with this project, please contact prof. dr. Beatriz Noheda.

Last modified:15 May 2024 3.33 p.m.