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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces Palasantzas Group



Dadigiv, Z., Tajik, F., Masoudi, A. A., & Palasantzas, G. (2024). Dynamical sensitivity on thermal fluctuations of torsional homogeneous and nonhomogeneous microsystems under the influence of Casimir and electrostatic torques: Nonlinear actuation towards chaotic motion. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 186, Article 115238.
Bakhshandehseraji, R., Ponce De Leon, G. C., Palasantzas, G., & Tajik, F. (2024). Nanoscale surface roughness effect on Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek forces. Physical Review B, 110(3), Article 035416.


Tajik, F., & Palasantzas, G. (2023). Dynamical Sensitivity of Three-Layer Micro Electromechanical Systems to the Optical Properties of the Intervening Liquid Layer. Physics, 5(4), 1081-1093.
Li, W., Lu, L., Yan, F., Palasantzas, G., Loos, K., & Pei, Y. (2023). High-performance triboelectric nanogenerators based on TPU/mica nanofiber with enhanced tribo-positivity. Nano energy, 114, Article 108629.
Dadi, Z., Masoudi, A. A., Tajik, F., & Palasantzas, G. (2023). Influence of optical property contrast on the critical distribution of electrostatic torques in double-beam torsional Casimir actuators: Non-linear actuation toward chaotic motion. Chaos, 33(11), Article 113132.
Bakhshandehseraji, R., & Palasantzas, G. (2023). Nanoscale-roughness influence on pull-off adhesion force in liquid and air. Physical Review E, 108(5), Article 054801.
Tajik, F., & Palasantzas, G. (2023). Sensitivity of actuation dynamics of Casimir oscillators on finite temperature with topological insulator materials: Response of repulsive vs attractive interactions. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 481, Article 129032.


Tajik, F., Sedighi, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2022). Dynamical Casimir actuation under non-equilibrium conditions: The influence of optical properties from different interacting bodies. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 443, Article 128220.
Tajik, F., Allameh, N., Masoudi, A. A., & Palasantzas, G. (2022). Nonlinear actuation of micromechanical Casimir oscillators with topological insulator materials toward chaotic motion: Sensitivity on magnetization and dielectric properties. Chaos, 32(9), Article 093149.
Yimam, D. T., van der Ree, A. J. T., Abou El Kheir, O., Momand, J., Ahmadi, M., Palasantzas, G., Bernasconi, M., & Kooi, B. (2022). Phase Separation in Ge-Rich GeSbTe at Different Length Scales: Melt-Quenched Bulk versus Annealed Thin Films. Nanomaterials, 12(10), Article 1717.
Palasantzas, G., & Svetovoy, V. B. (2022). Problems in measuring the Casimir forces at short separations. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 37(19), Article 2241001.


Zhang, H., Momand, J., Levinsky, J., Guo, Q., Zhu, X., ten Brink, G. H., Blake, G. R., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2022). Nanostructure and thermal power of highly-textured and single-crystal-like Bi2Te3 thin films. Nano Research, 15, 2382–2390.
Babamahdi, Z., Svetovoy, V. B., Yimam, D. T., Kooi, B. J., Banerjee, T., Moon, J., Oh, S., Enache, M., Stöhr, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2021). Casimir and electrostatic forces from Bi2Se3 thin films of varying thickness. Physical Review B, 103(16), Article L161102.
Muravyeva, T. I., Uvarov, I. V., Naumov, V. V., Palasantzas, G., & Svetovoy, V. B. (2021). Excessive number of high asperities for sputtered rough films. Physical Review B, 104(3), Article 035415.
Tajik, F., Babamahdi, Z., Sedighi, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2021). Nonlinear actuation of casimir oscillators toward chaos: Comparison of topological insulators and metals. Universe, 7(5), Article 123.
Tajik, F., Sedighi, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2021). Sensitivity of actuation dynamics on normal and lateral Casimir forces: Interaction of phase change and topological insulator materials. Chaos, 31(10), Article 103103.
Zhu, X., Xing, L., Ten Brink, G. H., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2021). Tailoring Growth Kinetics toward a Size-Dependent Work Function of Ge Nanocrystals Synthesized by Inert Gas Condensation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(23), 12870-12879.
Guo, W., Ye, C., ten Brink, G. H., Loos, K., Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2021). Tunable wettability of polymer films by partial engulfment of nanoparticles. Physical Review Materials, 5(1), Article 015604.
Soldatenkov, I. A., Palasantzas, G., & Svetovoy, V. B. (2021). Weak adhesion between deposited rough films: Relation to dispersion forces. Physical Review B, 104(12), Article L121404.
Ten Brink, G. H., Zhu, X., Guo, W., Blauw, K., Assink, L., Svetovoy, V. B., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2021). Wetting of surfaces decorated by gas-phase synthesized silver nanoparticles: Effects of Ag adatoms, nanoparticle aging, and surface mobility. Journal of Chemical Physics, 155(21), Article 214701.


Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2020). Adhered cantilevers: A new method to measure dispersion forces between rough surfaces at short distances. Modern Physics Letters A, 35(3), Article 2040014.
Palasantzas, G., Sedighi, M., & Svetovoy, V. B. (2020). Applications of Casimir forces: Nanoscale actuation and adhesion. Applied Physics Letters, 117(12), Article 120501.
Tajik, F., Masoudi, A. A., Sedighi, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2020). Chaotic motion due to lateral Casimir forces during nonlinear actuation dynamics. Chaos, 30(7), Article 073101 .
Zhu, X., ten Brink, G. H., de Graaf, S., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2020). Gas-Phase Synthesis of Tunable-Size Germanium Nanocrystals by Inert Gas Condensation. Chemistry of Materials, 32(4), 1627-1635.
Svetovoy, V. B., Postnikov, A., Uvarov, I., Stepanov, F., & Palasantzas, G. (2020). Measuring the Dispersion Forces Near the van der Waals-Casimir Transition. Physical Review Applied, 13(6), Article 064057.
Tajik, F., Masoudi, A. A., Babamahdi, Z., Sedighi, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2020). Sensitivity of nonequilibrium Casimir forces on low frequency optical properties toward chaotic motion of microsystems: Drude vs plasma model. Chaos, 30(2), Article 023108.


Sedighi, M., Tajik, F., Mahmoudi, S. M., Nazarpak, M. H., Lamouki, G. R. R., & Palasantzas, G. (2020). Sensitivity of Casimir oscillators on geometry and optical properties. Modern Physics Letters A, 35(3), Article 2040003.
Babamahdi, Z., Svetovoy, V. B., Enache, M., Stöhr, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2019). Comparison of Casimir forces and electrostatics from conductive SiC-Si/C and Ru surfaces. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 100(24), Article 245422 .
Tajik, F., Babamahdi, Z., Sedighi, M., Masoudi, A. A., & Palasantzas, G. (2019). Dependence of non-equilibrium Casimir forces on material optical properties toward chaotic motion during device actuation. Chaos, 29(9), Article 093126.
Guo, W., Chen, B., Do, V. L., Ten Brink, G. H., Kooi, B. J., Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2019). Effect of Airborne Hydrocarbons on the Wettability of Phase Change Nanoparticle Decorated Surfaces. Acs Nano, 13(11), 13430-13438.
Svetovoy, V. B., Prokaznikov, A. V., Postnikov, A. V., Uvarov, I. V., & Palasantzas, G. (2019). Explosion of microbubbles generated by the alternating polarity water electrolysis. Energies, 13(1), Article 20.
Foadi, F., ten Brink, G. H., Mohammadizadeh, M. R., & Palasantzas, G. (2019). Roughness dependent wettability of sputtered copper thin films: The effect of the local surface slope. Journal of Applied Physics, 125(24), Article 244307.
Foadi, F., Allaei, S. M. V., Palasantzas, G., & Mohammadizadeh, M. R. (2019). Roughness-dependent wetting behavior of vapor-deposited metallic thin films. Physical Review E, 100(2), Article 022804.
Tajik, F., Sedighi, M., Masoudi, A. A., Waalkens, H., & Palasantzas, G. (2019). Sensitivity of chaotic behavior to low optical frequencies of a double-beam torsional actuator. Physical Review E, 100(1), Article 012201.


Tajik, F., Sedighi, M., Masoudi, A. A., Waalkens, H., & Palasantzas, G. (2018). Dependence of chaotic actuation dynamics of Casimir oscillators on optical properties and electrostatic effects. The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter, 91(4), Article 71.
Tajik, F., Sedighi, M., Masoudi, A. A., Waalkens, H., & Palasantzas, G. (2018). Dependence of chaotic behavior on optical properties and electrostatic effects in double-beam torsional Casimir actuation. Physical Review E, 98(2), Article 022210.
Chen, B., Do, V. L., Palasantzas, G., Rudolf, P., & Kooi, B. J. (2018). Dynamics of GeSbTe phase-change nanoparticles deposited on graphene. Nanotechnology, 29(50), Article 505706.
Le Cunuder, A., Petrosyan, A., Palasantzas, G., Svetovoy, V., & Ciliberto, S. (2018). Measurement of the Casimir force in a gas and in a liquid. Physical Review B, 98(20), Article 201408.
Chen, B., de Wal, D., ten Brink, G. H., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2018). Resolving Crystallization Kinetics of GeTe Phase-Change Nanoparticles by Ultrafast Calorimetry. Crystal Growth & Design, 18(2), 1041-1046.
Krishnan, G., de Graaf, S., ten Brink, G. H., Verheijen, M. A., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2018). Shape and structural motifs control of MgTi bimetallic nanoparticles using hydrogen and methane as trace impurities. Nanoscale, 10(3), 1297-1307.


Tajik, F., Sedighi, M., Khorrami, M., Masoudi, A. A., & Palasantzas, G. (2017). Chaotic behavior in Casimir oscillators: A case study for phase-change materials. Physical Review E, 96(4), Article 042215.
Chen, B., Brink, ten, G., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2017). Crystallization Kinetics of GeSbTe Phase-Change Nanoparticles Resolved by Ultrafast Calorimetry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces, 121(15), 8569-8578.
Svetovoy, V. B., Melenev, A. E., Lokhanin, M. V., & Palasantzas, G. (2017). Global consequences of a local Casimir force: Adhered cantilever. Applied Physics Letters, 111(1), Article 011603.
Xing, L., ten Brink, G. H., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2017). Preparation of tunable-sized iron nanoparticles based on magnetic manipulation in inert gas condensation (IGC). Journal of Applied Physics, 121(2), Article 024305.
Torabi, S., Cherry, M., Duijnstee, E. A., Le Corre, V. M., Qiu, L., Hummelen, J. C., Palasantzas, G., & Koster, L. J. A. (2017). Rough Electrode Creates Excess Capacitance in Thin-Film Capacitors. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9(32), 27290-27297.
Tajik, F., Sedighi Ghozotkhar, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2017). Sensitivity on materials optical properties of single beam torsional Casimir actuation. Journal of Applied Physics, 121(17), Article 174302.
Krishnan, G., de Graaf, S., Brink, ten, G., Persson, P. O. A., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2017). Strategies to initiate and control the nucleation behavior of bimetallic nanoparticles. Nanoscale, 9(24), 8149-8156.


Sedighi, M., Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2016). Capillary-force measurement on SiC surfaces. Physical Review E, 93(6), Article 062803.
Sedighi, M., Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2016). Casimir force measurements from silicon carbide surfaces. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 93(8), Article 085434.
Ten Brink, G. H., van het Hof, P. J., Chen, B., Sedighi , M., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2016). Control surface wettability with nanoparticles from phase-change materials. Applied Physics Letters, 109(23), Article 234102.
Chen, B., ten Brink, G. H., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2016). Size-dependent and tunable crystallization of GeSbTe phasechange nanoparticles. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 39546.
Xing, L., ten Brink, G. H., Chen, B., Schmidt, F. P., Haberfehlner, G., Hofer, F., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2016). Synthesis and morphology of iron-iron oxide core-shell nanoparticles produced by high pressure gas condensation. Nanotechnology, 27(21), Article 215703.


Palasantzas, G., Dalvit, D. A. R., Decca, R., Svetovoy, V. B., & Lambrecht, A. (2015). Casimir Physics Preface. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 27(21), Article 210301.
Sedighi Ghozotkhar, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2015). Influence of low optical frequencies on actuation dynamics of microelectromechanical systems via Casimir forces. Journal of Applied Physics, 117(14), 144901-1 - 144901-5. Article 144901.
Sedighi Ghozotkhar, M., Broer, W. H., Van der Veeke, S., Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2015). Influence of materials' optical response on actuation dynamics by Casimir forces. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 27(21), Article 214014.
Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2015). Influence of surface roughness on dispersion forces. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 216, 1-19.
Broer, W., Waalkens, H., Svetovoy, V., Knoester, J., & Palasantzas, G. (2015). Nonlinear Actuation Dynamics of Driven Casimir Oscillators with Rough Surfaces. Physical Review Applied, 4(5), Article 054016.
ten Brink, G. H., Foley, N., Zwaan, D., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2015). Roughness controlled superhydrophobicity on single nanometer length scale with metal nanoparticles. RSC Advances, 5(36), 28696-28702.
Jamali, T., Farahani, S. V., Jannesar, M., Palasantzas, G., & Jafari, G. R. (2015). Surface coupling effects on the capacitance of thin insulating films. Journal of Applied Physics, 117(17), 175308-1 - 175308-6. Article 175308.


Sedighi Ghozotkhar, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2014). Casimir and hydrodynamic force influence on microelectromechanical system actuation in ambient conditions. Journal of Materials Research, 104(7), Article 074108.
Sedighi Ghozotkhar, M., Svetovoy, V. B., Broer, W. H., & Palasantzas, G. (2014). Casimir forces from conductive silicon carbide surfaces. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 89(19), Article 195440.
ten Brink, G. H., Krishnan, G., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2014). Copper nanoparticle formation in a reducing gas environment. Journal of Applied Physics, 116(10), 104302-1 - 104302-5. Article 104302.
Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2014). Graphene-on-Silicon Near-Field Thermophotovoltaic Cell. Physical Review Applied, 2, Article 034006.
Ergincan, O., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2014). Note: Spring constant calibration of nanosurface-engineered atomic force microscopy cantilevers. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(2), 026118-1-026118-3. Article 026118.
Ergincan, O., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2014). Surface engineering of the quality factor of metal coated microcantilevers. Journal of Applied Physics, 116(22), 224303-1 - 224303-6. Article 224303.
Krishnan, G., Negrea, R. F., Ghica, C., ten Brink, G. H., Kooi, B. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2014). Synthesis and exceptional thermal stability of Mg-based bimetallic nanoparticles during hydrogenation. Nanoscale, 6(20), 11963-11970.
Halpin-Healy, T., & Palasantzas, G. (2014). Universal correlators and distributions as experimental signatures of (2+1)-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth. Europhysics Letters, 105(5), Article 50001.


Sedighi Ghozotkhar, M., Broer, W. H., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2013). Sensitivity of micromechanical actuation on amorphous to crystalline phase transformations under the influence of Casimir forces. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88(16), 165423-1-165423-5. Article 165423.
Broer, W., Palasantzas, G., Knoester, J., & Svetovoy, V. B. (2013). Significance of the Casimir force and surface roughness for actuation dynamics of MEMS. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 87(12), 125413-1-125413-7.
Krishnan, G., Verheijen, M. A., ten Brink, G., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2013). Tuning structural motifs and alloying of bulk immiscible Mo-Cu bimetallic nanoparticles by gas-phase synthesis. Nanoscale, 5(12), 5375-5383.


Torricelli, G., van Zwol, P. J., Shpak, O., Palasantzas, G., Svetovoy, V. B., Binns, C., Kooi, B. J., Jost, P., & Wuttig, M. (2012). Casimir Force Contrast Between Amorphous and Crystalline Phases of AIST. Advanced Functional Materials, 22(17), 3729-3736.
Ergincan, O., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2012). Influence of surface modification on the quality factor of microresonators. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85(20), 205420-1-205420-5. Article 205420.
Broer, W., Palasantzas, G., Knoester, J., & Svetovoy, V. B. (2012). Roughness correction to the Casimir force at short separations: Contact distance and extreme value statistics. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85(15), Article 155410.
Kroezen, H. J., Eising, G., ten Brink, G., Palasantzas, G., Kooi, B. J., & Pauza, A. (2012). Schottky barrier formation at amorphous-crystalline interfaces of GeSb phase change materials. Applied Physics Letters, 100(9), 094106-1-094106-4. Article 094106.
Ergincan, O., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2012). Viscous damping of microcantilevers with modified surfaces and geometries. Applied Physics Letters, 101(6), 061908-1-061908-4. Article 061908.


Shpak, O., & Palasantzas, G. (2011). Analysis of Casimir forces with window functions: Kramers-Kronig general approach for real measured dielectric data. Physical Review A, 84(4), 044501-1-044501-4. Article 044501.
Zwol, P. J. V., Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2011). Characterization of Optical Properties and Surface Roughness Profiles: The Casimir Force Between Real Materials. In D. Dalvit, P. Milonni, D. Roberts, & F. da Rosa (Eds.), Casimir Physics (Vol. 834, pp. 311-343). Springer.
Broer, W., Palasantzas, G., Knoester, J., & Svetovoy, V. B. (2011). Roughness correction to the Casimir force beyond perturbation theory. Europhysics Letters, 95(3), 30001-p1-30001-p6. Article 30001.


Ergincan, O., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2010). Erratum: “Influence of random roughness on cantilever curvature sensitivity” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 041912 (2010)]. Applied Physics Letters, 96(22), Article 229901.
Krishnan, G., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2010). Formation and Stability of Hollow MgO Nanoshells. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(7), 4374-4377.
Krishnan, G., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2010). Improved thermal stability of gas-phase Mg nanoparticles for hydrogen storage. Applied Physics Letters, 97(13), 131911-1-131911-3. Article 131911.
Ergincan, O., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2010). Influence of random roughness on cantilever curvature sensitivity. Applied Physics Letters, 96(4), 041912-1-041912-3. Article 041912.,
Ergincan, O., & Palasantzas, G. (2010). Influence of random roughness on cantilever resonance frequency. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 82(15), 155438-1-155438-6. Article 155438.
Krishnan, G., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2010). Influence of Ti on the formation and stability of gas-phase Mg nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 97(26), 261912-1-261912-3. Article 261912.
van Zwol, P. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2010). Kinetic Roughening and Material Optical Properties Influence on Van der Waals/Casimir Forces. Acta Physica Polonica A, 117(2), 379-383.
Palasantzas, G., Svetovoy, V. B., & Van Zwol, P. J. (2010). Optical Properties and Kinetic Roughening Influence on Dispersive Casimir and van der Waals Forces. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24(31), 6013-6042.
van Zwol, P. J., & Palasantzas, G. (2010). Repulsive Casimir forces between solid materials with high-refractive-index intervening liquids. Physical Review A, 81(6), 062502-1-062502-9. Article 062502.
Ergincan, O., Palasantzas, G., & Kooi, B. J. (2010). Response to "Comment on 'Influence of random roughness on cantilever curvature sensitivity'" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 226101, (2010)]. Applied Physics Letters, 96(22), Article 226102.
Zwol, P. J. V., & Palasantzas, G. (2010). Surface Roughness and Material Optical Properties Influence on Casimir/van der Waals and Capillary Surface Forces. Advanced science letters, 3(4), 358-362.
Torricelli, G., van Zwol, P. J., Shpak, O., Binns, C., Palasantzas, G., Kooi, B. J., Svetovoy, V. B., & Wuttig, M. (2010). Switching Casimir forces with phase-change materials. Physical Review A, 82(1), 010101-1-010101-4. Article 010101.
Krishnan, G., Kooi, B. J., Palasantzas, G., Pivak, Y., & Dam, B. (2010). Thermal stability of gas phase magnesium nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Physics, 107(5), 053504-1-053504-7. Article 053504.


van Zwol, P. J., Svetovoy, V. B., & Palasantzas, G. (2009). Distance upon contact: Determination from roughness profile. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 80(23), 235401-1-235401-5. Article 235401.
van Zwol, P. J., Palasantzas, G., & De Hosson, J. T. M. (2009). Influence of dielectric properties on van der Waals/Casimir forces in solid-liquid systems. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 79(19), 195428-1-195428-8. Article 195428.
Palasantzas, G., Svetovoy, V. B., & van Zwol, P. J. (2009). Influence of ultrathin water layer on the van der Waals/Casimir force between gold surfaces. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 79(23), 235434-1-235434-7. Article 235434.
Morelli, A., Venkatesan, S., Kooi, B. J., Palasantzas, G., & De Hosson, J. T. M. (2009). Piezoelectric properties of PbTiO(3) thin films characterized with piezoresponse force and high resolution transmission electron microscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 105(6), 064106-1-064106-6. Article 064106.
Morelli, A., Venkatesan, S., Palasantzas, G., Kooi, B. J., & De Hosson, J. T. M. (2009). Piezoresponse force microscopy characterization of PTO thin films. In Nanoscale Electromechanics and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy of Inorganic, Macromolecular and Biological Systems (pp. 19-24). (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings; Vol. 1186). Materials Research Society.
Pandian, R., Kooi, B. J., Oosthoek, J. L. M., van den Dool, P., Palasantzas, G., & Pauza, A. (2009). Polarity-dependent resistance switching in GeSbTe phase-change thin films: The importance of excess Sb in filament formation. Applied Physics Letters, 95(25), 252109-1-252109-3. Article 252109.
van Zwol, P. J., Palasantzas, G., & DeHosson, J. T. M. (2009). Weak dispersive forces between glass and gold macroscopic surfaces in alcohols. Physical Review E, 79(4), 041605-1-041605-7. Article 041605.


van Zwol, P. J., Palasantzas, G., & de Hosson, J. T. M. (2008). Erratum: Roughness corrections to the Casimir force: The importance of local surface slope (vol 91, art no 144108, 2007). Applied Physics Letters, 92(9), Article 099901.
van Zwol, P. J., Palasantzas, G., & De Hosson, J. T. M. (2008). Influence of random roughness on the Casimir force at small separations. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 77(7), Article 075412.
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