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Research Van Swinderen Institute Fundamental Interactions and Symmetries (TRIµP)



1. A.K. Mollema, L.W. Wansbeek, L. Willmann, K. Jungmann, R.G.E. Timmermans, R. Hoekstra
> Laser-frequency locking using light-pressure-induced spectroscopy in a calcium beam.
Phys. Rev. A 77,043409 (2008)

2. S. Hoekstra, A.K. Mollema, H.W. Wilschut, R. Morgenstern and R. Hoekstra
> Single-atom detection of calcium isotopes by atom-trap trace analysis.
Phys. Rev. A 71, 023409 (2005)

3. S. Hoekstra, A.K. Mollema, L. Willmann, H.W. Wilschut, R. Morgenstern and R. Hoekstra
Atom trap trace analysis of Ca isotopes.
Hyperf. Int. in press (2005)


1. S. Hoekstra
> Atom trap trace analysis of Ca isotopes.
Proefschrift (PhD Thesis) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (2005)

Conference/Report/Lecture contributions

  • Presentation about the Alcatraz experiment for the course "Laser Cooling and Trapping", 13/12/2004
  • Contribution in the research highlights-section of the FOM-Jaarboek (Dutch)
  • Poster for Lunteren October 2001 Dutch Physical Society - Atomic and Molecular Physics Division
  • General introduction, in Dutch, for the ‘Beleidscollege’ of the KVI – July 2002
  • Poster for Lap2002 – Gent – July 2002
  • ‘Afstudeerpraatje’ - presentation by Carolijn van Ditzhuijzen – August 2002
  • Poster for Lunteren - October 2002 Dutch Physical Society - Atomic and Molecular Physics Division
  • Poster for Lunteren - November 2003 Dutch Physical Society - Atomic and Molecular Physics Division
  • Poster for ECAMP 8, Rennes - July 2004 European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics
Last modified:07 July 2014 2.25 p.m.