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Research Van Swinderen Institute Fundamental Interactions and Symmetries (TRIµP) Physics


The main objective of the TRIµP group is to study the fundamental interactions in nature, in particular to search for new physics which is not yet provided in the standard model of particle physics.

In particle physics the standard model provides a theoretical framework which allows to describe all confirmed experimental observations to date very well. However, it does not provide physical explanations for a variety of experimental facts such as the origin of parity violation in weak interactions or the nature of CP violation or the dominance of matter and antimatter in the universe.

In order to solve such questions a variety of speculative models have been invented. This includes supersymmertry, left-right symmetry, technicolor and many others.


There exist two principally different approaches in order to test predictions of such theories:

Firstly, new particles and interactions can be directly searched for in high energy physics (collider) experiments. Secondly, there are precision experiments at lower energies, in which quantities are determined that can be calculated to sufficient accuracy using standard theory.


The TRIµP group uses the second approach. This approach, complementary to high energy experiments, can probe physics at mass scales well above the energies reachable with any of today's available and near future accelerators.

In particular, we study:

You can find more information about our research by clicking on the links above or by using the menu on the left.

Last modified:20 June 2014 10.19 a.m.