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Research Van Swinderen Institute Symposia and Meetings April 12-13, 2017: Seventh Quantum Universe Symposium


The tentative program of the masterclasses and symposium is given below:

April 12: Master classes

Time Speaker Title
10:30 coffee/tea
10:45 Vincent Icke Two brilliant failures, or: gravity does not exist (mp3)
12:30 lunch
13:30 Aart Heijboer Neutrino Oscillations
15:15 coffee/tea
15:45 Subir Sarkar Dark Matter
17:30 closure

April 13: Symposium /Smitsborg

Time Speaker Title
9:00 Registration
9:30 Eric Bergshoeff Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry
10:15 Subir Sarkar What is the evidence for cosmic acceleration?
11:00 Coffee & tea
11:30 Raimond Snellings What are the properties of the quark gluon plasma?
12:15 Migo Mueller A new planet in the outer Solar System?
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Aart Heijboer Particle Physics with Neutrino Telescopes
14:45 Chris van den Broeck The direct detection of gravitational waves: The first discovery, and what the future might bring
15:30 Coffee & tea / transfer to Nijenborgh
16:00 Heino Falcke Towards imaging the black hole in the center of the Milky Way
17:00 Closing remarks
17:15 Wine & Cheese
Last modified:10 October 2016 2.25 p.m.