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Research Urban and Regional Studies Institute PRC


Workshop on demography, health and social policy. Issues and perspectives

  • Organisation: Department of Social Statistics, University of Southampton and the Population Research Centre, University of Groningen
  • Location: University of Southampton
  • Funding: British Council, NWO
  • Exchange of PhD research, third workshop
  • Dates: 29-31 January 2003
  • More information (PDF)

Research and action: two reproductive health projects in South India  

  • Organisation: PRC Groningen. The seminar is a cooperation between researchers and NGOs in Spandana and the NGO Belaku, both in Karnataka, India.
  • Date: 12 November 2002
  • More information

Chair Quetelet 2002 'Entre Nature et Culture: quelle(s) démographie(s)'  

  • Organisation: NIDI and Chaire Quetelet Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
  • Location: Louvain-la-Neuve
  • Dates: 22-25 October 2002.
  • Presentation:  Bosch, A. (2002), Is menarche in Bangladeshi adolescents delayed because of long-term malnutrition? Presentation in session 'Nature and nurture approaches to reproductive health'.

Seminar on New Reproductive Health Projects within HERA

  • Organisaton: PRC Groningen (Alinda Bosch and Sabu Padmadas)
  • Location: NIDI
  • Date: 14 November 2001
  • Presentations: Ronald Horstman 'First phase of a project on male involvement in reproductive health, Nepal' and  Inge Hutter 'Project proposal 'Risk perception of HIV/AIDS''
  • More information

HERA Workshop 'Reproductive health: research, monitoring and training'

  • Organisation: PRC Groningen
  • Date : 5 July 2001
  • Presentation: Bosch, A. (2001), Adolescents' reproductive health: longitudinal data, survey and indepth interviews.

Health Research: The Process

  • Organisation: Department of Social Statistics, University of Southampton and the Population Research Centre, University of Groningen. Second workshop.
  • Location: University of Southampton
  • Dates: 28 and 29 January 2001
  • More information

Workshop Reproductive and Child Health in South Asia

  • Cooperation: Department of Social Statistics, University of Southampton, Opportunities and Choices programma
  • Funding: DFID
  • Dates: September 1999
  • Presentations on HERA projects and Southampton projects
  • Publication : Hutter, I. (2000), Seminar on reproductive and child health in South Asia; presentation of research projects of two institutes. Newsletter Centre for Development Studies, February 2000: 7-8.
Last modified:23 January 2024 10.16 a.m.