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Research Urban and Regional Studies Institute PRC

Inequalities in feeding behaviour and well-being

Principal researcher

Sanne Visser

Type of research

PhD research


Dr. ir. H.H. Haisma, Prof. dr. I. Hutter


The research project is embedded in HAPS (Healthy Aging, Population and Society

Summary of the project

Feeding behaviour and its relation to well-being and health is not only influenced by measurable indicators as access to health and income, but also by social norms, attitude of life and home- and identity-making. This PhD project searches for the choices people make concerning feeding practices and how people perceive the choices they actually have.

The project is part of HAPS (Healthy Aging, Population and Society), a collaborative program between UMCG and RUG. The program is focused on the Northern part of the Netherlands and aims at improving health in this region. Especially the eastern part of Groningen has a high obesity prevalence. The area is also known for the high unemployment rates, high levels of out-migration and drop-out of school. These problems need to be considered in the context of low empowerment and limited choices.

The research starts from an emic perspective, in which the participants take a central place. The expertiseand insights of participants on their own life is used. Next to data from the lifeline cohort, which give insight in what people eat, qualitative research will provide insight in the decisions in feeding behaviour and the circumstances surrounding feeding practices.


  • Visser, S.S. (2011). De rol van sociale netwerken in het subjectief sociaal welbevinden. Girugten , 42 (5), 22-25.

Work in Progress

  • Visser, S.S., Bailey, A. & Meijering, L.. The role of social networks in subjective social well-being.

Last modified:09 November 2023 12.44 p.m.