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Conference: 'The Limits of Philosophy in the Roman Imperial Era'

Vanaf:wo 12-11-2025
Tot en met:vr 14-11-2025

This conference gathers contributions from renowned senior as well as promising junior scholars on ‘the limits of philosophy’ in the Roman Imperial Era (27 bce – 427 ce). Contributions concern the crossroads between philosophy and science (medicine, astronomy), between philosophy and religion (early Christian philosophy) as well as between philosophy and literature (e.g. mythology, narrative). A particular focus is on how the integration of the respective disciplines helped to anchor philosophical innovations.

The general questions addressed are: How do scientists anchor their ideas in the philosophical tradition? How do philosophers incorporate the language of myth and literature and work into their work? How do early Christian thinkers connect revelation to the philosophical tradition? What does this tell us about the way the limits of philosophy were constructed in the imperial era?

More information will follow as soon as possible.

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