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Research GBB Molecular Cell Biology ITN Perfume

Early stage researcher University Medical Centre Groningen

Agnieszka Wegrzyn
Agnieszka Wegrzyn

Modelling of peroxisome metabolism

Agnieszka will construct computer models of yeast and mammalian peroxisome metabolism (in collaboration with the company Lifeglimmer, Berlin). Agnieszka will also collaborate with the companies MDiscoveries (Potsdam) and Evitra (Stockholm) to measure enzyme kinetics, to perform fluxomics and metabolomics analysis and to produce recombinant proteins. Analyses of mutant and patient cell lines will be performed at the Amsterdam Medical Centre. Together with the supervisor Agnieszka coordinates the design of experiments that are required (i) as input for modelling and (ii) to test hypotheses generated by modelling. Agnieszka will build models of relevant novel pathways and interrogate models with respect to diagnosis, biomarkers which will lead to novel therapeutic approaches for peroxisome disorders.

Part of the research will be performed at the Amsterdam Medical Centre and Lifeglimmer (Berlin).

Supervisor: Professor Barbara M. Bakker (

Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martins Dos Santos, Lifeglimmer Berlin

Last modified:01 March 2018 4.16 p.m.