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Research Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society | IREES Research

Shaping Energy Storage Development in the Dutch Electricity Market | Ahmad Mir Mohammadi Kooshknow

Ahmad Mir Mohammadi Kooshknow
Ahmad Mir Mohammadi Kooshknow

Field | Discipline

  • Electricity Storage
  • Business Models
  • Electricity Market


  • Agent-based modeling
  • Exploratory Modeling Analysis (EMA)


According to the Energy Agenda, the Netherlands is seeking for low-carbon energy supply, and 40% and 80-95% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030 and 2050, respectively. These targets necessitate considerable share of renewable sources in the Dutch energy mix in the coming years. Because of variable nature of electricity generation from some renewable resources such as wind and solar, more flexibility will be required in the electricity system to deal with potential time-mismatches between generation and consumption.

Energy storage is proposed as a solution to improve the flexibility of the system and for better integration of variable renewable generation into the current system. However, despite considerable growth in the research, real-world implementation of energy storage systems (ESS) is still negligible in the Netherlands. There is still much space for improvement of ESS on the axes of technology, costs, and business. In this research, we are exploring the effects of business models and government policies on the development of ESS in the Netherlands.

In this research, we model the markets for products and services of ESS, and because these markets are socio-technical systems where many technologies, institutions, and actors are involved, we employ agent-based modeling (ABM)techniques. With ABM, we model our systems in terms of autonomous agents, environment(s), and description of interactions among an agent with other agents or the environment. ABM helps us to capture the markets’ complexities and dynamics, and enables us to look at the problem from various perspectives.

The expected outcomes of this research are:

  • Review of potential business models for ESS in the Dutch electricity system
  • An agent-based model for markets of ESS products and services
  • Study of business models’ effects on the future of ESS and the Dutch electricity sector
  • Study of combined effects of business models and energy policies on the future of ESS and the Dutch electricity sector

Supervision by

More information and contact details can be found on the personal profile of Ahmad Mir Mohammadi Kooshknow.

Last modified:05 June 2024 4.05 p.m.