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Research Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society | IREES News

Second International Conference on New Pathways for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition: Connecting Multiple Stakeholders and Levels

From:We 21-06-2023
Until:Th 22-06-2023
Where:Energy Academy Groningen

You are cordially invited to the second international conference on New Pathways organised by the University in collaboration with Hanze Hogeschool Groningen/ Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
The conference will take place in Groningen on 20-21 June, 2023.

Theme of the conference is to explore new pathways for connecting actors, levels of governance, institutions, and technical domains, to achieve and accelerate the energy transition.

Well known keynote speakers from different scientific fields will address the conference:

Benjamin Sovacool 
Monica Maduekwe 
Jerzy Jendroska 
Marie Claire Brisbois

We will explicitly include developments in developing countries. 

We will organize a panel with experts from science industry, civil society, and governments at the local, national, and international levels.

We highly encourage early career researchers to participate in the conference as it will provide ample opportunity for feedback on their research.

The conference will take place in the Energy Academy Europe, one of the most sustainable education buildings in the Netherlands.

We will organize two excursions at the end of the conference to a sustainable neighborhood project in the city of Groningen and to one of the most important energy hubs in Western Europe, including a modern gas plant, LNG and citizens owned wind turbines and solar fields.

Read more about the conference

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