Project Publications
Thematic Issue Church History and Religious Culture (2013), with contributions by S. Corbellini, S. Folkerts, M. Hoogvliet and M. van Duijn):
Sabrina Corbellini
1 .(ed) Instructing the Soul, Feeding the Spirit and Awakening the Passion. Cultures of Religious Reading in the Late Middle Ages (Turnhout 2013)
2. together with Margriet Hoogvliet and Bart Ramakers, Discovering the Riches of the World. Religious Reading in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (collection of essays presented during expert meeting in Leeds (UK) and Groningen), in preparation. To be published in the series Intersections (Leyden, Brill Publishers)
Articles/Contributions to books
1. ‘Het paradijs in een kloostercel. De Noord-Nederlandse vertaling van het Nieuwe Testament’ in A. den Hollander, W.F. Scheepsma & E. Kwakkel (Eds.), Nederlandse Bijbelvertalingen in de Middeleeuwen, Hilversum 2007, 131-145.
2. ‘L’armonia della Parola: la tradizione del Diatessaron in volgare italiano nella Toscana medievale’, in: Carolin M. Oser-Grote, Willigis Eckermann, O.S.A. (eds.), Beato Simone Fidati da Cascia OESA (1295-1348). Un Agostiniano Spirituale tra Umanesimo e Rinascimento, Rome 2008, 145-160.
3. ‘The Plea for Lay Bibles in Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Tuscany. The Role of Confraternities’ S. Pastore, N. Terpstra & A. Prosperi (eds.), Brotherhoods and Boundaries (Proceedings of the congress Brotherhoods and Boundaries-Fraternità e Barriere, Lay Religion and Europe's Expansion in the Renaissance and Early Modern Period , Pisa (Italy) (Pisa, 2012) 227-247.
4. ‘Retelling the Bible in Medieval Italy. The Case of the Italian Gospel Harmonies’, in L. Dolezalova and T. Visi eds.,Retelling the Bible. Literary, Historical, and Social Contexts (Frankfurt am Main, 2011), 213-228.
5. `Looking in the Mirror of the Scriptures: Reading the Bible in Medieval Italy' to be published in volume Wading Lambs and Swimming Elephants’: The Bible for the Laity and Theologians in the Medieval and Early Modern Era (Louvain 2012) 21-40.
6. `Een oude spiegel voor nieuwe maagden. Het gebruik van het Speculum virginum in gemeenschappen van tertiarissen', Ons Geestelijk Erf 80-3 (2009), 171-198.
7. `The Manual for the Young Ones by Jan de Wael (1510): Pastoral Care for Religious Women in the Low Countries', in R. Stansbury (ed), Pastoral Care in the Middle Ages ( Leyden 2010) 389-411.
8. `Vernacular Bible Manuscripts in Late Medieval Italy: Cultural Appropriation and Textual Transformation', Laura Light and Eyal Poleg eds., Form and Function of the Medieval Bible (Leiden 2013) 261-281.
9. `" Se le scienze e la scrittura sacra fussino in volgare tu le intenderesti". Traduzioni bibliche tra Medioevo e Rinascimento in manoscritti e testi a stampa', in Philiep Bossier and Paolo Procaccioli, La Traduzione del Moderno (Rome, 2012) 1-21.
10.`Instructing the Soul, Feeding the Spirit and Awakening the Passion: Holy Writ and Lay Readers in Late Medieval Europe', in B. Gordon & M. McLean (eds), Shaping the Bible in the Reformation: Books, Scholars and Readers in the Sixteenth Century (Leiden 2012) 15-39.
11. with M. Hoogvliet, Holy Writ and Lay Readers in Late Medieval Europe: Translation and Participation to be published in volume Text, Transmission and Reception (Proceedings of the congress Text, Transmission and Reception, Nijmegen 2010).
12. `Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: a Focus on Fifteenth-Century Reading Techniques' , in S. Corbellini ed., Instructing the Soul, Feeding the Spirit and Awakening the Passion. Cultures of Religious Reading in the Late Middle Ages (Turnhout 2013) 33-53.
13. De Bijbel lezen in laatmiddeleeuws Europa, Met Andere Woorden 11-4 (2011) 29-42.
14. with M. Hoogvliet, ‘ Artisans and Religious Reading in Late Medieval Italy and Northern France (c. 1400 – c. 1520)’, Journal Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2013).
15. Corbellini, S., “Reading, Writing and Collecting: Cultural Dynamics and Italian Vernacular Bible Translations”, Church History and Religious Culture 93 (2013)
Suzan Folkerts
1. Te ‘ duncker ’ voor leken? Middelnederlandse bijbelvertalingen vanuit het perspectief van de gebruikers’, Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis 18 (Nijmegen, 2011) 155-170.
2. ‘Middelnederlandse liturgische lofzangen op de kaart’. Review of Youri Desplenter, Al aertrijc segt lofsanc. Middelnederlandse vertalingen van Latijnse hymnen en sequensen I: Studie; II: Repertorium. Studies op het gebied van de oudere Nederlandse letterkunde, 3 (Ghent: Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 2008), in:Queeste. Journal of Medieval Literature in the Low Countries 17-1 (2010) 71-73.
3. ` The Cloister or the City? The Appropriation of the New Testament by Lay Readers in an Urban Setting' , in S. Corbellini ed, Instructing the Soul, Feeding the Spirit and Awakening the Passion. Cultures of Religious Reading in the Late Middle Ages (Turnhout 2013) 175-199.
4. Approaching Lay Readership of Middle Dutch Bibles: Archival Sources and Bible Manuscripts’, in: Sabrina Corbellini, Margriet Hoogvliet & Bart Ramakers (eds.), Discovering the Riches of the Word. Religious Reading in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Intersections (Leiden, 2014)
5. ‘Bijbelvertalingen vóór Luther. Lezende leken in middeleeuws Europa’, with Margriet Hoogvliet, Geschiedenis Magazine, 48:4 (2013) 40-43.
6. ‘Reading the Bible Lessons at Home. Holy Writ and Lay Readers in the Low Countries’, Church History and Religious Culture, 93 (2013) 215-235.
7. ‘Challenging the Paradigms. Holy Writ and Lay Readers in Late Medieval Europe’, with Sabrina Corbellini, Mart van Duijn & Margriet Hoogvliet , Church History and Religious Culture, 93 (2013).
Margriet Hoogvliet
1. How to Tell a Fairy Tale with Images: Narrative Theories and French Paintings from the Early Nineteenth Century',Relief 4/2 (2010), p. 198-212; (refereed)
2. `Mappae mundi', Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle, ed. Graeme Dunphy, Leiden, Brill, 2010, p. 252-256
3. 'L'image légendée: theóries modernes et cartes médiévales', Qu'est-ce que nommer? L'imgae légendée entre monde monastique et pensée scolastique, ed. Christian Heck, (Études du RILMA, 1), Turnhout, Brepols, 2010, p. 219-233.
4. 'Media change and cultural change? Quantitative and generic questions concerning printed French Bibles from the fifteenth century', Papers from the ATACD Conference, Barcelona 2009 (www.
5. “The Medieval Vernacular Bible in French as a Flexible Text: Selective and Discontinuous Reading Practices”, in Form and Function in the Medieval Bible, Eyal Poleg and Laura Light, eds., Leiden, 2013, p. 283-306.
6. “Pour faire laies personnes entendre les hystoires des escriptures anciennes. Theoretical Approches to a Social History of Religious Reading in the French Vernaculars During the Late Middle Ages”, in Cultures of Religious Reading in the Later Middle Ages: Instructing the Soul, Feeding the Spirit and Awakening the Passion, Sabrina Corbellini, ed., Turnhout, 2013, p. 247-274
7. “Brave Burgers dankzij de Bijbel: Leesaanwijzingen in Jacques Legrand's Livre de bonnes meurs (c. 1404/1410)”, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 126/2 (2013), pp. 194-205
8. [with Mart van Duijn], 'Nieuw licht op lezen. Nieuwe media en leescultuur in de late Middeleeuwen', De Academische Boekengids 96 (januari 2013), pp. 21-23
9. [with Sabrina Corbellini], “Artisans and Religious Reading in Late Medieval Italy and Northern France (c. 1400 – c. 1520)”, Journal for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, (forthcoming, 2013)
10. [with Sabrina Corbellini] “Holy Writ and Lay Readers in late Medieval Europe: Translation and Participation”, Texts, Transmissions, Receptions, André Lardinois and Sophie Levie, eds., Leiden, Brill, forthcoming
10. “Encouraging Lay People to Read the Bible in the French Vernaculars: New Groups of Readers and Textual Communities”, Journal for Church History and Religious Culture, forthcoming 2013
11. “Une archéologie de la lecture : interventions des scribes et traces des lecteurs dans les manuscrits de la Bible en français (XIVe-XVe siècles)”, Comment le Livre s'est fait livre. La fabrication des manuscrits bibliques (IVe-XVe siècle) : Bilan, résultats, perspectives de recherche, Chiara Ruzzier, Xavier Hermand, eds., forthcoming.
12. “Car dieu veult estre serui de tous estaz. Encouraging and Instructing Laypeople in French from the Late Middle Ages to the Early Sixteenth Century”, The Riches of the Word, Sabrina Corbellini, Bart Ramakers, Margriet Hoogvliet, eds.,(Leiden, 2014)
Mart van Duijn
1. ‘Tussen vorm en betekenis. Delftse Bijbels in handen van lezers en gebruikers’, in: Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 25, 4 (2011), pp. 206-216.
2. With M. Hoogvliet], ‘Nieuw licht op lezen. Nieuwe media en leescultuur in de late middeleeuwen’, in: De Academische Boekengids 96 (2012), pp. 21-23.
3. ‘Gevonden in New York: een Bijbel uit het bezit van Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen’, in: Jacobsbode, Nieuwsbrief van de Stichting Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen 11, 22 (2012), pp. 1-3.
4. ‘Targeting the masses. The Delft Bible (1477) as Printed Product’, in: A.A. den Hollander and W. Francois eds, ‘Wading Lambs and Swimming Elephants’. The Bible for the Laity and Theologians in the Medieval and Early Modern Era (Leuven, 2012), pp. 1-19.
5. ‘Een bijbel met borsthaar. Aanleiding tot interdisciplinair onderzoek’, in: Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 26, 3 (2012), pp. 164-169.
6. ‘Een verzameling Delftse Bijbels. Over het nut van een collectie op papier’, in: Jaarboek van het Nederlands Genootschap van Bibliofielen 2012, XX (Amsterdam, 2013), pp. 57-82.
7. ‘Defining the Delft Bible (1477): From Printer-Public Dynamics to Extant Copies’, in: S. Corbellini (ed.), Instructing the Soul, Feeding the Spirit and Awakening the Passion. Cultures of Religious Reading in the Late Middle Ages (Turnhout, 2013), pp. 117-140.
8. Power of the Public: Shaping the First Printed Bible in Dutch (1477)’, in: Church History and Religious Culture 93 (2013), pp. 273-297.
Last modified: | 01 June 2017 11.22 a.m. |