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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Research Centre for Historical Studies (CHS)

CMEMS Conference 2024: Borders and Boundaries

From:Th 06-06-2024
Until:Fr 07-06-2024
Where:University Museum Groningen

The conference's theme is based on the book "Physical and Symbolic Borders and Boundaries and How They Unfold in Space" attempts to unravel the processes and structures that construct, unravel, and reconstruct physical and symbolic borders and boundaries in various geographies and histories.In defining borders as boundaries as separate entities, it strives to provide theoretical approaches to the concepts in varying contexts and explain how they intersect with space. Its purpose is to understand the construction, interaction, and interplay between borders, boundaries, and spaces.

Keynote speakers

Dr Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm (Friday 7 June, 9:45) has been Managing-Director the Fryske Akademy since March 2021. Previously she was Regional Curator in Cornwall at the National Trust in England and Curator of Mound Culture and Middle Ages at the Fries Museum. Her research focuses on Early Middle Ages Frisia, as well as Vikings in the coastal regions of North Western Europe.

Simone Pekelsma MA (Thursday 6 June, 15:40) is a Project Manager at the department of Human Geography and Planning in Utrecht University and a PhD candidate at Radboud University, Nijmegen. Her research focuses on the dynamic practices, relations and networks shaping contemporary gated communities with a particular focus on Istanbul, Madrid, Rotterdam and London. She is the co-editor of the keystone text for this conference.


All are welcome, but please register in advance!

For more information and the fullprogramme, visit the CMEMS Conference website.