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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Research Centre for Historical Studies (CHS)

The Multiple lives of Jacob Israel de Haan, a Dutch Lawrence of Arabia? with biographer LUCY GIEBELS and discussant LUCIA ADMIRAAL

When:Sa 01-06-2024 16:30 - 18:00
Where:Newsroom, Forum Groningen

The Multiple lives of Jacob Israel de Haan, a Dutch Lawrence of Arabia? The Palestine years: being a reporter in Jerusalem at the early 1920s' and De Haan legacy in Jerusalem today.

With: Dr L. Giebels (writing a biography of de Haan, AUP, and biographer of De Haan), Dr Lucia Admiraal (Assistant Professor RUG Middle Eastern Studies and Middle East correspondent NRC), introduction by Prof. Dr Karène Sanchez Summerer.

This talk will start with the projection of 2 silent short documentaries (selections) of Jerusalem in 1913 and 1920s and 1940s and an introduction on Jerusalem during the first years of the 20th century.

Jacob Israel de Haan (Smilde 1881-Jerusalem 1924) worked with Algemeen Handelsblad and later British media like the Times and Daily Mail. However, his stay in Jerusalem and his broader views on politics, culture and religion, including on Zionism and Arab Palestinian nationalism, remain largely unknown.

To commemorate the Dutch and queer Jewish poet, writer and journalist Jacob Israel de Haan, who was assassinated in 1924, this talk will discuss the biography of a man who durably impacted the links between the Netherlands, Palestine and later Israel, and its legacy in Jerusalem today.

The discussion will be followed by the book presentation, Ludy Giebels, Jacob Israël de Haan in het Palestijnse labyrint 1919-1924, Amsterdam University Press


This is a ticketed event. Tickets are available from the Forum website.