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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Research Centre for Historical Studies (CHS)

CRASIS Mini-Symposium: Changing Strategies in Ancient Colonization

When:Fr 26-04-2024 13:00 - 15:00
Where:Exposition room, Harmonie building

Floris van den Eijnde (Utrecht University), Athenian Overseas Interests before the Classical Empire
Brain Garnand (NINO), Carthaginian Colonization in Comparative/Competitive Context: Aristocratic Shares in the Spoils of Territorial Expansion across the Western Mediterranean (400-200 BCE)
Followed by discussion

Moderator: Jeremia Pelgrom

All are welcome!

For more information email: j.pelgrom

This Mini-Symposium is organized in the context of the Crasis Ancient Colonialism Network  and is sponsored by the RUG/KNIR Settler Colonial Paradigms Research programme.