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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Research Centre for Historical Studies (CHS)

Workshop: Digital Humanities tools for historians (including OpenSource relational database NodeGoat)

When:Th 01-02-2024 09:30 - 17:00
Where:Harmonie building

Digital Humanities tools are quickly becoming essential for both academic research and knowledge valorisation. And yet, many scholars don’t even know where to start either in selecting software or assessing the capabilities of the chosen software.

On February 1st, 2024 CHS will be organising a hands-on Digital Humanities Workshop, open to researchers from across the Faculty of Arts.

In the morning a workshop will be given by the GeoDienst explaining the capabilities of ArcAGIS and StoryMaps, two wonderful tools for designing sophisticated maps and for creating engaging digital outreach. In the afternoon, you will learn how to build a relational database, and tailor the functionalities to your needs and research questions. Both real beginners and DH aficionados are most welcome. You can register for the entire day or one of the workshops via a link provided in early January.

Coordinators: Sasha Goldstein-Sabbah & Hanan Hamad (MES, RUG)


9:30 - 14:00: 1312.0030
14:00 - 16:45: 1312.0025


9:30-12:00 Geodienst GeoMapping workshop using ArcAgis StoryMaps

12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

13:00 Introduction to nodegoat
13:45 Who are you and what is your research question?
14:00 Learn how to enter geographical data into nodegoat

14:30 Break

14:45 Learn how to enter relational data into nodegoat
15:15 Learn how to conceptualise a data model

15:45 Break

16:00 Learn how to implement a data model in nodegoat
16:30 Enter data in your data model
16:45 Q&A

17:00 End of workshop


Please register before noon on 29 January.

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