AFREXTRACT & CHS guest lecture - UHURU PORTIA PHALAFALA (Stellenbosch University): 'Living Histories: Living Loss & Love'
When: | Th 23-11-2023 15:00 - 16:30 |
Where: | Room 1313.0316, Harmonie building & online |
How might we produce otherwise possibilities through mapping history in our bodies? This talk will focus on extractivism through embodied political praxis: the practice of producing philosophy harnessed from creative work and lived embodied experience. It will use my poetry book Mine Mine Mine (2023) to think through extractivism as a system that instrumentalized and mechanised black and ecological bodies through gendered-racial science, and discourses of the human and nature as commodity. We will think through extractivism as a New Worlding cosmology, and deploy Mine Mine Mine to attend to elsewhere cosmologies from Southern Africa concerned with poetics and politics of land and extraction as they inhere in my body, in our collective bodies, in internetworked bodies, human and non-human, seen and unseen.
(cooperation with AFREXTRACT)
Moderator: Iva Peša