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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Research Centre for Historical Studies (CHS)

HoMH seminar - JOHN TROYER (Bath Death Studies Centre): "When everything dead is new again: Rethinking the current death and dying moment"

When:Tu 16-11-2021 16:00 - 17:00
Flyer for the History of Medicine and Health Seminar, themed "Lifecycles". The flyer contains two images. On the left is an early modern engraving titled "Trap des Ouderdoms" (stairs of age) with each step of the pyramidal stairs supporting a male person of increasing age. On the right a cluster of cells.

The History of Medicine and Health Seminar is co-organized by the Groningen Centre for Health and Humanities and the Centre for Historical Studies.


This seminar is hosted on Zoom. Please register with Prof. Rina Knoeff (h.g.knoeff to join.