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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Centre for Journalism and Mediastudies

Symposium - The Northern Netherlands on Screen

When:We 27-11-2024 12:00 - 18:15
Where:Lokinzaal, Röling building
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Join us for an engaging one-day symposium that bridges the gap between academia and the Northern film industry, with a focus on how the Northern Netherlands is portrayed in audiovisual media. This event will bring together leading academics, filmmakers, industry professionals, and cultural representatives to explore the ways in which the region is imagined in films, TV series, and other audiovisual productions.


Due to space limitations, we can accommodate max 25 participants in person. However, you can also join the symposium online.

Organisers: dr. Leonieke Bolderman (YAG, Faculty of Spatial Sciences), dr. Deborah Castro (ICOG, Faculty of Arts), Kjelda Glimmerveen (YAG-PhD, Faculty of Spatial Sciences/Faculty of Arts). For any questions, please email

Organised with the support of the Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) and Young Academy Groningen (YAG).