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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Centre for International Relations Research (CIRR) Chair Group on History and Theory of International Relations Research themes Modes of Reasoning

Workshops on Modes of Reasoning

(research in progress)

The Workshops on Modes of Reasoning (MoR) are a space for the cross fertilisation of ideas and projects widely related to how we reason about power and governance. Members, research students, visitors and guest speakers present their work in the form of draft or completed papers, research proposals and ideas as well as advances in current research projects. The space is also used to explore problematics of intellectual concern to our research community in the form of roundtables.

The MoR workshops are open to members of the wider academic community.

2017 - Imaginaries of Connectivity & the Creation of Novel Spaces

Last modified:01 May 2019 12.31 p.m.