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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Research Centre for Arts in Society

SPOT ON! - ANDY LAVENDER (Guildhall School of Music and Drama): "Performance and Neoliberalism: Road Maps and Resistance"

When:Th 27-05-2021 15:00 - 17:00
The theatre section of Arts, Culture and Media (Research Centre for Arts in Society) is delighted to announce the launch of our lecture series SPOT ON! focusing on the role of theatre in culture and society. The series will feature contributions from academics specializing in theatre and performance studies as well as theatre practitioners.

The inaugural lecture will be delivered by Professor Andy Lavender from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in the UK, and it is entitled ‘Performance and Neoliberalism: Road Maps and Resistance’. Further information about the topic can be found below.

The event will take place digitally on Thursday, May 27 2021, 15:00-17:00 (CET).

This lecture is open to everyone and you are warmly invited to join us. A link will be added as soon as possible.


In this talk, Andy Lavender introduces the forthcoming 4x45 volume Neoliberalism, Theatre and Performance (Digital Theatre and Routledge) and its focus on specific aspects of performance in neoliberal environments. He discusses neoliberalism as a political-economic system that has come to define how we live, and ways in which it has developed and shifted over time. He considers its relationship to performance in three main ways: as a socio-economic context for artistic activity; a shaper of assumptions; and a cause and/or target of resistance. In the second part of the talk, he briefly considers lines of enquiry into contemporary modes of protest in and through performance, and specific instances where neoliberalism might be seen to produce protest or itself be resisted (or, indeed, both at once).

Recommended Reading

  • Lavender, Andy. ‘Theatricalizing Protest: The Chorus of the Commons’. Performance Research (On Politics), 24:8 (2019): 4-11.
  • Lavender, Andy. ‘The Visible Voice (or, the Word Made Flesh): Political Presence and Performative Utterance in the Public Sphere’. Performance in the Twenty-First Century: Theatres of Engagement, London and New York: Routledge 2016, 35-58.

For more information on the SPOT ON! lecture series please follow the theatre Facebook page.