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Research Heymans Institute More Symposia and colloquia

2017 Heymans symposium

Snijders-Kouwer Award 2016

The best scientific article written by a PhD student of the Heymans Institute in 2016 was awarded to Astrid Menninga for:

Menninga, A., Van Dijk, M., Steenbeek, H., Van Geert, P. (2016). Language use in real-time interactions during early elementary science lessons: The bidirectional dynamics of the language complexity of teachers and students. Language Learning, 67, I84-320. doi: 10.1111/lang.12219

We were very happy to have the second author of the article give the reception talk on behalf of Astrid Menninga:
Language interactions in early science lessons
*Dr. Marijn van Dijk - Developmental Psychology

You can view this talk and all Heymans talks on the Heymans Talks page.

Line up of Keynote and Heymans talks:

Keynote Block Talk

Do we really need 400 mental disorders to describe psychopathology?
*Prof. dr. Peter de Jonge -Developmental Psychology
DSM-5 describes the presence of about 400 different mental disorders. Does that help our understanding of psychopathology? Do they really exist? Can we do without these labels? In this talk, I will explore these issues from the perspective of a dynamical psychology.

Heymans talks

The role of guilt in posttraumatic stress disorder
*Dr. Miriam Lommen - Experimental Psychopathology
Research on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traditionally seen as an anxiety disorder, has mainly focussed on the emotion of fear. Other negative emotions such as guilt, shame, anger and disgust have received little attention. In our lab we experimentally manipulated stress-related guilt to test the effect on the development of PTSD-like phenomena.

Traces of times past: The hidden brain state
*Dr. Elkan Akyürek - Experimental Psychology
Measuring ongoing brain activity is a fairly powerful ‘mind-reading’ method. However,unless a person is actively keeping something in mind, it used to be impossible to uncover what might be silently hiding in memory. Until now.

Predicting academic achievement in the context of selection and matching in higher education
*Susan Niessen, MSc - Psychometrics & Statistics
In this talk I will discuss recent developments in the prediction of academic achievement and student-program fit in the context of selective admission and matching, with emphasis on the results of our research conducted in our Psychology program.

A case for stories – What gay men’s narratives of self-acceptance can teach us
*Ole Gmelin, MSc - Developmental Psychology
Stories play a central part in our lives and communities. In this talk I will illustrate how narrative analysis can allow for new insights into the process of self-acceptance in young gay men.

A social identity perspective on psychological resilience
*Jolien van Breen, MSc - Social Psychology
In this talk I will discuss how members of socially disadvantaged groups cope with subtle discrimination and prejudice.Importantly, I will show that members of disadvantaged groups are more resilient than previously thought.

Why do your eyes' pupils dilate when you are aroused?
*Dr. Sebastiaan Mathot - Experimental Psychology
When you are afraid, on guard, sexually aroused, or when you otherwise experience strong emotion, your eyes' pupils dilate (become bigger). But why?

Are patients with Parkinson's disease able to decide about their own treatment?
*Dr. Janneke Koerts - Clinical & Developmental Neuropsychology
Patients with Parkinson's disease are often confronted with difficult medical decisions, such as receiving Deep Brain Stimulation, which might be hampered by cognitive impairment. One can therefore wonder, are patients with Parkinson’s disease able to decide about their own treatment?

Displaced aggression and violence: A compensatory competence theory
*Dr. Pontus Leander - Organizational Psychology
Aggression increases when people’s goals are thwarted, but it remains unclear why the aggression often gets displaced onto unrelated targets. I propose that displaced aggression is actually goal directed and serves to compensate for a threatened sense of competence.

Last modified:02 February 2022 12.00 p.m.