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2011 Heymans Symposium

The awarding of the Snijders-Kouwer Prize 2011
The awarding of the Snijders-Kouwer Prize 2011

In 2011 the Snijders-Kouwer Award was given to T.M. (Thecla) Brakel for the article ' Impact of social comparison on cancer survivors’ quality of life: An experimental field study'', at the time accepted for publication by 'Health Psychology'. She is a PhD student with prof. dr. A.(Arie) Dijkstra en prof. dr. A.P. (Bram) Buunk.

The prize for best poster presented was awarded to J. (Jana) Niemann for the poster ' Negative Feedback and Learning – A Multilevel Study on the Role of Directness and Distrust '. Her promotor is prof. dr. N.W. van Yperen.

Poster Session, Jury and winner Jana Niemann at the Heymans Symposium 2011
Poster Session, Jury and winner Jana Niemann at the Heymans Symposium 2011

See more pictures of the 2012 Heymans Symposium in the picasa album

Last modified:26 October 2021 12.35 p.m.