“What declassified Cold-War spy photos tell us about ancient Rome” - contribution Lidewijde de Jong. National Geographic Magazine. October 2023.
“Dood en begraven in Romeins Byblos en Libanon” - Lidewijde de Jong. Lecture as part of the Byblos exhibit in the National Museum of Antiquities, organised by Friends of the National Museum of Antiquities (RoMeO). Leiden; January 2023.
“De Zuiderbegraafplaats” - Annika Kropp and Sofia Voutsaki. Lecture for the Arts Festival, University of Groningen. Groningen; September 2022.
“Een virtuele rondleiding door de antieke stad Palmyra” - Lidewijde de Jong. Interview for the online magazine of the Dutch Research Council (NWO); October 2021.
Panels and round tables
“Images de l’amour au Proche-Orient dans l’Antiquité” – Bilal Annan.
Round table organized for the Journées de l’Histoire de l’Institut du Monde Arabe, Institut du Monde Arabe. Paris; March 2024. -
“A Stern Solace? Palmyrene Funerary Portraits as Emotional Recipients” – Bilal Annan. Panel ‘Ancient Emotions and Funerary Iconography’, Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. Chicago; January 2024.
Workshops and expert meetings
“New Approaches to Ancient Art” - MARE workshop/expert meeting. University of Groningen. Groningen; November 2023.
Presentations and (guest)lectures
"The Sarcophagus of Rufina from Tyre: Material and Visual Approaches to Funerary Customs in Roman-period Phoenicia" – Nicholas Aherne.
Presentation at the Classical Association Conference, University of Warwick. Warwick; March 2024.
“Funerary practices and identity in Roman Phoenicia” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at the Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta: March 2024.
"The Intermediality of Image and Text on Sarcophagi of Roman Phoenicia: Mediating Communication Between the Living and the Dead in Funerary Ritual” – Nicholas Aherne. Presentation in the CRASIS Masterclass, University of Groningen. Groningen; February 2024.
“The Sarcophagus of Rufina from Tyre: Material and Visual Approaches to Funerary Customs in Roman-period Phoenicia” – Nicholas Aherne.
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. Chicago; January 2024. -
“The Sarcophagus of Rufina from Tyre: Material and Visual Approaches to Funerary Customs in Roman-period Phoenicia’” – Nicholas Aherne.
Presentation at the CRASIS Mortuary Ritual Network meeting, University of Groningen. Groningen; December 2023.
“Appropriation, Invention, and Continuity: mortuary practices from Roman to Late Roman Syria” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at conference Material Culture in Late Antique Egypt and Syria – Contacts, Influences and Disparities. Radboud University Nijmegen. Nijmegen; December 2023.
Individual research presentations – Lidewijde de Jong, Bilal Annan, Tamara Dijkstra, Nicholas Aherne, John Turco. Presentations in the MARE workshop/expert meeting New Approaches to Ancient Art. Groningen; November 2023.
“Shine on you celestial diamond: funerary iconography with astral connotations in Petra and Palmyra” – Bilal Annan. Presentation at the symposium Tombs and Astral Knowledge from Egypt to China (1000 BCE – 1000 CE), Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Berlin; November 2023.
“Encoffined Bodies: the role of decorated sarcophagi in funerary customs of Roman-period Phoenicia” – Nicholas Aherne. Presentation in the OIKOS Masterclass 2023, The Royal Netherlands Institute Rome. Rome; June 2023.
“Cultural Interactions and Funerary Commemoration in the Roman East” – Bilal Annan, Nicholas Aherne, John Turco, Paula Kalkman. Guest lecture in second-year BA course Burial and commemoration in antiquity, University of Groningen. Groningen; March 2023.
Individual research pitches – Lidewijde de Jong, Bilal Annan, Tamara Dijkstra, Nicholas Aherne, John Turco, Paula Kalkman. Pitches presenting our research at the Mortuary Ritual Network Meeting Textuality and (im)materiality. University of Groningen; March 2023.
“MARE: Mortuary Archaeology of the Roman East” – MARE team, presented by Nicholas Aherne. Presentation at the Mediterranean Archaeology Day, Platform Argos/hosted by the University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam; January 2023.
“Encoffined bodies: on the role of sarcophagi in the funerary customs of Roman-period Phoenicia” – Nicolas Aherne. Presentation at the NINO Day. Leiden; January 2023.
“Rituals in Space: reconstructing funerary rituals through gifts and bones” – John Turco. Presentation at the NINO Day. Leiden; January 2023.
“On image-texts, ornaments, and ontologies: towards a holistic approach to funerary customs” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at the New Discoveries Seminar, University of Utrecht. Utrecht; January 2023.
“Mortuary Archaeology of the Roman East (MARE)” – MARE team. Poster presentation at the Necropoleis Research Network Annual meeting in Athens. Athens; October 2022.
“Presenting MARE: a new project on mortuary rituals in the Roman Near East” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at the OIKOS Days. Ede; June 2022.
"Bringing Back the Roman Dead: presenting a new project on mortuary rituals in the Roman Near East" – Lidewijde de Jong. Research Seminar at the Groningen Institute for Archaeology. Groningen; May 2022.
“Presenting MARE: a new project on Mortuary Archaeology in the Roman East” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at the NINO Day. Leiden; May 2022.
“Death in the Province: mortuary archaeology and Roman Imperialism in the Near East” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at conference The Impact of Rome in the East, University of Groningen. Groningen; April 2022.
“Behind the scenes at MARE: Mortuary archaeology of the Roman East”, Kleopatra Chatzipetrou. Poster presentation at ARCHON workshop Digging Archaeology Through Social Media (online). April 2022.
“Back to the Museum Garden: on legacy datasets, the curation crisis, and mortuary archaeology” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at ARCHON workshop Developments in Mortuary Archaeology (online). January 2022.
“Seleukeia Sidera Revealed: excavating Roman and late Roman tombs in Pisidia” – Bilge Hürmüzlü, Ahmet Mörel, Burak Sönmez, Lidewijde de Jong, Paula Kalkman, Nynke Rixt Bosma. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (online). January 2022.
“Bringing Back the Dead: investigating mortuary rituals in the Roman Near East” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation in the Greek Archaeology Group of the Groningen Institute for Archaeology. Groningen; May 2021.
Last modified: | 14 November 2024 3.13 p.m. |