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Research Groningen Institute of Archaeology Research MARE - Mortuary Archaeology of the Roman East (Dutch Research Council – VICI)



  • Dood en begraven in Romeins Byblos en Libanon” - Lidewijde de Jong. Lecture as part of the Byblos exhibit in the National Museum of Antiquities, organised by Friends of the National Museum of Antiquities (RoMeO). Leiden; January 2023.
  • De Zuiderbegraafplaats” - Annika Kropp and Sofia Voutsaki. Lecture for the Arts Festival, University of Groningen. Groningen; September 2022.
  • Een virtuele rondleiding door de antieke stad Palmyra” - Lidewijde de Jong. Interview for the online magazine of the Dutch Research Council (NWO); October 2021.

Panels and round tables

  • Images de l’amour au Proche-Orient dans l’Antiquité” – Bilal Annan.
    Round table organized for the Journées de l’Histoire de l’Institut du Monde Arabe, Institut du Monde Arabe. Paris; March 2024.
  • “A Stern Solace? Palmyrene Funerary Portraits as Emotional Recipients” – Bilal Annan. Panel ‘Ancient Emotions and Funerary Iconography’, Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. Chicago; January 2024.  

Workshops and expert meetings

  • New Approaches to Ancient Art”  - MARE workshop/expert meeting. University of Groningen. Groningen; November 2023.

Presentations and (guest)lectures

  • "The Sarcophagus of Rufina from Tyre: Material and Visual Approaches to Funerary Customs in Roman-period Phoenicia" – Nicholas Aherne.

    Presentation at the Classical Association Conference, University of Warwick. Warwick; March 2024.

  • Funerary practices and identity in Roman Phoenicia” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at the Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta: March 2024.

  • "The Intermediality of Image and Text on Sarcophagi of Roman Phoenicia: Mediating Communication Between the Living and the Dead in Funerary Ritual” – Nicholas Aherne. Presentation in the CRASIS Masterclass, University of Groningen. Groningen; February 2024.

  • The Sarcophagus of Rufina from Tyre: Material and Visual Approaches to Funerary Customs in Roman-period Phoenicia” – Nicholas Aherne.
    Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. Chicago; January 2024.

  • The Sarcophagus of Rufina from Tyre: Material and Visual Approaches to Funerary Customs in Roman-period Phoenicia’” – Nicholas Aherne.

    Presentation at the CRASIS Mortuary Ritual Network meeting, University of Groningen. Groningen; December 2023. 

  • Appropriation, Invention, and Continuity: mortuary practices from Roman to Late Roman Syria” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at conference Material Culture in Late Antique Egypt and Syria – Contacts, Influences and Disparities. Radboud University Nijmegen. Nijmegen; December 2023.

  • Individual research presentations – Lidewijde de Jong, Bilal Annan, Tamara Dijkstra, Nicholas Aherne, John Turco. Presentations in the MARE workshop/expert meeting New Approaches to Ancient Art. Groningen; November 2023.

  • Shine on you celestial diamond: funerary iconography with astral connotations in Petra and Palmyra” – Bilal Annan. Presentation at the symposium Tombs and Astral Knowledge from Egypt to China (1000 BCE – 1000 CE), Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Berlin; November 2023.  

  • Encoffined Bodies: the role of decorated sarcophagi in funerary customs of Roman-period Phoenicia” – Nicholas Aherne. Presentation in the OIKOS Masterclass 2023, The Royal Netherlands Institute Rome. Rome; June 2023.  

  • “Cultural Interactions and Funerary Commemoration in the Roman East” – Bilal Annan, Nicholas Aherne, John Turco, Paula Kalkman. Guest lecture in second-year BA course Burial and commemoration in antiquity, University of Groningen. Groningen; March 2023.

  • Individual research pitches – Lidewijde de Jong, Bilal Annan, Tamara Dijkstra, Nicholas Aherne, John Turco, Paula Kalkman. Pitches presenting our research at the Mortuary Ritual Network Meeting Textuality and (im)materiality. University of Groningen; March 2023.

  • “MARE: Mortuary Archaeology of the Roman East” – MARE team, presented by Nicholas Aherne. Presentation at the Mediterranean Archaeology Day, Platform Argos/hosted by the University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam; January 2023.

  • Encoffined bodies: on the role of sarcophagi in the funerary customs of Roman-period Phoenicia” – Nicolas Aherne. Presentation at the NINO Day. Leiden; January 2023.

  • Rituals in Space: reconstructing funerary rituals through gifts and bones” – John Turco. Presentation at the NINO Day. Leiden; January 2023.

  • On image-texts, ornaments, and ontologies: towards a holistic approach to funerary customs” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at the New Discoveries Seminar, University of Utrecht. Utrecht; January 2023.

  • Mortuary Archaeology of the Roman East (MARE)” – MARE team. Poster presentation at the Necropoleis Research Network Annual meeting in Athens. Athens; October 2022.

  • “Presenting MARE: a new project on mortuary rituals in the Roman Near East” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at the OIKOS Days. Ede; June 2022.

  • "Bringing Back the Roman Dead: presenting a new project on mortuary rituals in the Roman Near East" – Lidewijde de Jong. Research Seminar at the Groningen Institute for Archaeology. Groningen; May 2022.

  • Presenting MARE: a new project on Mortuary Archaeology in the Roman East” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at the NINO Day. Leiden; May 2022.

  • Death in the Province: mortuary archaeology and Roman Imperialism in the Near East” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at conference The Impact of Rome in the East, University of Groningen. Groningen; April 2022.

  • Behind the scenes at MARE: Mortuary archaeology of the Roman East”, Kleopatra Chatzipetrou. Poster presentation at ARCHON workshop Digging Archaeology Through Social Media (online). April 2022.

  • “Back to the Museum Garden: on legacy datasets, the curation crisis, and mortuary archaeology” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation at ARCHON workshop Developments in Mortuary Archaeology (online). January 2022.

  • “Seleukeia Sidera Revealed: excavating Roman and late Roman tombs in Pisidia” – Bilge Hürmüzlü, Ahmet Mörel, Burak Sönmez, Lidewijde de Jong, Paula Kalkman, Nynke Rixt Bosma. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (online). January 2022.

  • “Bringing Back the Dead: investigating mortuary rituals in the Roman Near East” – Lidewijde de Jong. Presentation in the Greek Archaeology Group of the Groningen Institute for Archaeology. Groningen; May 2021.


Last modified:14 November 2024 3.13 p.m.