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Research ENTEG Green Chemical Reaction Engineering Principal Investigators

PI - prof. P.J. Deuss

prof. P.J. Deuss
prof. P.J. Deuss

Prof. P.J. (Peter) Deuss; +31 50 36 34918

University webpage of Peter Deuss

Google scholar webpage of Peter Deuss

Peter J. Deuss obtained his bachelor and masters studies in chemistry at the university of Amsterdam (UvA) with projects in the development of homogeneous catalysts. In 2006 he moved for his PhD studies to the university of St. Andrews, Scotland (still UK) working on the development of artificial metalloenzymes with the late Prof. P. C. J. Kamer. In 2011, he stayed for two and a half years in Cambridge (UK) to work as a post-doc with Dr. M. J. Gait at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology on the development of catalytic conjugation methodology for therapeutic library synthesis. In 2013 he became a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Groningen. First two years in the group of Prof. K. Barta at the Stratingh institute for chemistry on the valorization of lignin and afterwards one year in the group of Prof. H.J. Heeres at ENTEG working on the reactor design for the production of HMF from sugars. In October 2016 he joined the chemical engineering department as tenure track assistant professor green and smart biomass processing and got promoted in 2021 to associate professor catalytic processing of renewable resources. His expertise and interest lie in topics: Catalytic processing renewable resources including detailed chemical composition and structural characterization, depolymerization and modification of (bio)polymers, biomass fractionation and lignin structure-reactivity relationships; catalytic transformation of bio-based platform chemicals.

Last modified:24 February 2023 5.00 p.m.