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Research Experimental particle physics Researchgroup Cold Molecules

People of the cold molecule group

Steven Hoekstra
Steven Hoekstra

Steven Hoekstra (group leader)

We are developing techniques to prepare molecules for a new generation of experiments. We exploit the special sensitivity of certain molecules to test fundamental physics, and we make use of their unique properties (such as their large electric dipole moment) to manipulate them and create interesting quantum gasses.

Parul Aggarwal
Parul Aggarwal

Parul Aggarwal (PhD Student)

We are working on the production and traveling-wave deceleration of SrF and BaF molecules from intense beam sources.

Kevin Esajas
Kevin Esajas

Kevin Esajas (PhD Student)

We are combining a traveling-wave decelerator with a cryogenic source to obtain intense, cold and slow molecular beams of heavy diatomic molecules.

Sreekanth Mathavan
Sreekanth Mathavan

Sreekanth Mathavan (PhD Student)

We are aiming to apply the techniques we have developed to manipulate heavy diatomic molecules using external fields to slightly larger molecules, for various applications.

Artem Zapara
Artem Zapara

Artem Zapara (PhD Student)

We are combining lasercooling techniques with optical trapping of diatomic molecules, in order to trap a very cold sample of molecules that is an ideal starting point for precision spectrosocopy and the study of dipole-dipole interactions.

Former members of the group:

Peter Drolenga
Peter Drolenga

Peter Drolenga (Master Student)

We are using lasers to manipulate the motion and the internal state of SrF molecules.

Janko Nauta
Janko Nauta

Janko Nauta (Master Student)

We have investigated and optimized the use of optical cavities in our experiments for laser locking, spectroscopy and power-enhancement.

Joost van den Berg
Joost van den Berg

Joost van den Berg (PhD Student)

We have set up a novel type of Stark decelerator that makes use of traveliing potential wells to bring heavy diatomic molecules to a standstill.

Corine Meinema
Corine Meinema

Corine Meinema (PhD Student)

We are applying lasercooling techniques to diatomic molecules, in order to create a very cold (150 microKelvin) sample of SrF molecules that is an ideal starting point for precision spectrosocopy.

Last modified:17 February 2020 09.14 a.m.