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About us Medical Sciences Research Epidemiology
University Medical Center Groningen

Renske Verweij

Renske Verweij is a PhD student in Sociology and Genetic Epidemiology. After finishing her Research Master in Sociology, she started her PhD in 2014 under the supervision of Harold Snieder, Melinda Mills and Gert Stulp. The topic of the PhD is: Understanding childlessness: Unraveling the relationship between genes and socio-environment. The aim of this project is to bring together disparate social science and genetic lines of research on childlessness among men and women to gain a broader understanding of childlessness. Recent advances in molecular genetics means that we are able to examine whether there is a genetic component to childlessness and how this is moderated by the socio-environment.

Last modified:12 August 2024 12.37 p.m.