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Research Biomimetics Research

Experimental study between the interaction of an unidirectional current and a marine turbine array | Enrique Hernández Montoya

E.E. (Enrique) Hernández Montoya
E.E. (Enrique) Hernández Montoya

Field | Discipline

  • Civel Engineering
  • Coastal Engineering


The energy of ocean currents can be extracted by Marine Current Energy Converter’s (MCECs), principally by axial flow turbines using the same principle as wind turbines. Nowadays, ocean currents constitute an attractive alternative for marine renewables. As part of the Double PhD Program agreement between the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and the University of Groningen (UG), this project aims to propose an experimental study of marine turbines suitable to harvest energy from ocean currents as they are presented in the Cozumel Channel, Quintana Roo, Mexican Caribbean.

Supervision by

More information and contact details can be found on the Personal Profile of Enrique Hernández Montoya

Last modified:16 November 2021 2.11 p.m.