Conference 'The Public-Private Challenge in Current EU Law and Policy'
When: | Th 28-09-2023 08:45 - 17:15 |
Where: | Fondation Universitaire, Room A. Rue d'Egmont 11 - 1000, Brussels, Belgium |
The steady and successful growth of research on the interplay between public and private interests and actors at both the Erasmus School of Law (EUR) and Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen (RUG) was further strengthened by the establishment of the ‘The Public-Private Challenge’ -a collaboration between the cross-disciplinary research programmes Rebalancing Public & Private Interests (EUR) and Rethinking Public Interests in Private Relationships (RUG)- in the framework of the Dutch Sector Plan for Law (2019-2024).
After last year’s successful conference, we are pleased to announce the theme of this year’s conference: “The Public-Private Challenge in Current EU Law and Policy”.
The idea of the conference is to bring expert scholars, policy makers and civil society (legal practitioners, NGOs and initiatives) together to discuss different policy initiatives whereby the -not always harmonious- interplay between public and private actors is especially relevant.
The following panels will guide the discussions:
- New Trends in Consumer Protection and Product Liability;
- Harmonizing Insolvency Law: Challenges Ahead;
- The Promises and Perils of Human Rights Due Diligence;
- The European Health Data Space Proposal: Challenges in Digitalisation and the European Strategy for Data.
To ensure a smooth organisation, kindly register for free before September 16, 2023 . You can find the full program and the register form by clicking on the link below.