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Over ons Faculteit Religie, Cultuur en Maatschappij Agenda

Summer School "Religion in an unstable world: Challenges, transformations and future prospects"

Vanaf:zo 03-07-2022
Tot en met:vr 08-07-2022
Waar:Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, Oude Boteringestraat 38, 9712 GK Groningen

This summer school will discuss the topic of religion in the unstable world, including a variety of issues such as climate change, COVID and the health and care crisis, political instability with right-wing populism and the challenges of artificial intelligence. This multifaceted approach captures the most pressing issues in which religion affects, and is affected by, contemporary global societies.

Some of the questions that the summer school will discuss are the following:

Religion and climate change

  • How do religious groups relate to climate change?
  • How can religion and spirituality help us in interpreting, predicting and resolving climate-induced conflicts?

Political instability and right-wing populism

  • How do religious discourses play a role in contemporary politics?
  • How are religious perspectives being mobilized in the current wave of right-wing populism around the globe?

Religion, science and artificial intelligence

  • How do religion and technology relate in times of artificial intelligence?
  • What are the ethical and religious implications of a life governed by algorithms?
  • How do religious groups jeopardize scientific responses and promote discourses that oppose COVID-19 safety measures?

Moreover the summer school will offer you training in relevant skills for your academic career.

Summer school participants will have the privilege to participate virtually in the biennial conference of the Research Network 34 – Sociology of Religion pertaining to the European Sociological Association, where they will be able to meet and exchange with numerous scholars in their field of interest.