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A new way of teaching culture

26 March 2014

Last week, 600 secondary-school teachers and didactics specialists attended the final conference of Cultuur in de Spiegel (Culture in the Mirror), a major project led by the University of Groningen and Stichting Leerplan Ontwikkeling (SLO, Curriculum Development Foundation). Prof. Barend van Heusden developed a theoretical framework for cultural education at schools as part of Cultuur in de Spiegel. Fourteen pilot schools participated in the project. This was the first time that such large-scale research was conducted into a continuous curriculum for cultural education.

The weekly online video magazine Unifocus highlights topics related to the University of Groningen in the fields of research and society, student life, teaching, policy and internationalization.

Last modified:12 March 2020 10.15 p.m.
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