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Over ons Faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen Expertisecentrum Sociale Wetenschappen, gezondheid en welzijn Activiteiten Center of Expertise Social Sciences, Health & Well-being

Gathertown Meet & Greet of the Social Science Center for Health and Well-Being

Wanneer:do 10-06-2021 14:00 - 14:45

Please join us for a Gathertown Meet & Greet! The online meet & greet event for researchers of the BSS faculty is an opportunity to informally get to meet new colleagues, revive contacts with “old” colleagues, and to get a flavour of the breadth of research on health and well-being, healthy ageing, and health interventions at our faculty. The Meet & Greet is organized by the team of the Social Sciences Centre for Health and Wellbeing.

Attendees at the Gathertown Meet & Greet can move around between eight ‘tables’ with groups of 4-6 people to discuss several topics.

Table 1: Societal groups and well-being (Host: Susanne Scheibe)

Within our faculty, many staff members study health (developments) and well-being within certain societal groups (e.g., children, older adults, workers, minorities). In studying these groups, where do we see overlap/similar patterns in the processes we study within these groups? Where lie the differences?

Table 2: Inequality & health (Host: Katherine Stroebe)

While ideally everyone should have equal opportunities to ‘good health’ and healthcare, we know this not to be the case. The current Corona pandemic has once again illustrated how such inequalities can suddenly be magnified when society meets new challenges. What type of research is done within our faculty regarding health inequalities? What challenges do we face in doing so? Can we identify determinants of such health inequalities? What can society learn from our knowledge thereof?

Table 3: Interventions to promote child health (Host: Tina Kretschmer)

How can we rigorously assess active ingredients? Why do many interventions show little effectiveness yet are rolled out widely? Is there such a thing as intervention fatigue? Do we need to tailor interventions better to the individual child and how can we do that? Let’s engage in discussing these questions as a starting point with the aim to explore opportunities to also answer them.

Table 4: Resilience (Host: Bertus Jeronimus)

What kind of research do we do at this faculty to study resilience? What are factors influencing resilience? What is the difference between and advantage of studying resilience versus ill health?

Table 5: Trauma - what is it and how can we study its impact more comprehensively? (Host: Judith Daniels)

Within clinical psychology, there has been ample discussion about the best definition of a traumatic event. However, most of these definitions have been very narrow in scope. How can we best broaden our approach in order to combine the expertise of colleagues from sociology, pedagogy, and psychology fruitfully?

Tables 6-8: Free discussion, no predefined topic

You can register for the event here. The event is limited to 40 persons (first come, first serve). Who knows, you may end up finding new collaborators to write a paper or grant application together. At the least, you may get a renewed sense of connection with your colleagues during these days of isolation!

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