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Katarina Sabolova


My one year exchange at Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen Katarina Sabolova, Master Psychology Student

Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
currently at University of Groningen, The Netherlands

During my one year exchange, I have been exploring the Groningen city, the university and its libraries, psychological theories, different coffee places, lovely people from all over the world and even living Dutch lifestyle in sense like “never leave your home without a bike”. An international environment, high-quality educational standards and experiencing courses together with exchange, but also locals students brings me a lot of learning points. I have realized how important are persistence and grit in order to follow my dreams and succeed. What I really like about the university is supportive environment such as Brightspace platform, whereas weekly announcement for each course have been appeared, so it has been stimulating and motivating for me to work hard persistently. Today, I feel so grateful for all incredible experiences, people, moments and for the opportunity to study psychology at the University of Groningen, which I will definitely remember “for infinity”.

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.12 a.m.