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University of Groningen Business School
Connecting for impact
Business School Executive programma's Effective Climate Governance Programme


The programme consists of five full days divided over three modules. During the first module we discuss the external factors, climate challenges and chances, and the way they affect the organization and its long-term strategy. The second module offers insights into the impact of climate change on nature and organizations as well as further acquaintance with stakeholders and discussions about responsibility for sustainability. In the final module focus is on the relation between executive and non-executive boards, the individual non-executive directors and the means to effectively contribute to the sustainability transition.

Effective Climate Governance for Non-Executive Board Members
Effective Climate Governance for Non-Executive Board Members
Module 1 (12-13 November 2024, Leeuwarden)

This first module deals with the knowledge about sustainability and climate change that is necessary to be able to act and focuses mainly on the impact that the developments and challenges have on organizations and the chances they offer. Keywords are: subject command, climate risk, reporting and disclosure, strategic integration. There is constant attention for the application of the knowledge to the role of the supervisory directors and companies present and for the possible consequences for the strategies and opportunities of these companies in how to deal with a changing social and economic context.

Module 2 (3 & 10 December 2024, The Hague)

This module takes the participants out to discover the impact of climate change on nature in practice, meet some of their stakeholders and understand their reactions and expectations. Keywords are: subject command, exchange & dialogue, climate accountability & risk, responsibility.

Module 3 (15-16 January 2025, Leusden)

This final module focuses on the role of the non-executive board and its members within companies that have to (re)position themselves strategically as a result of the external impactfactors. Which tools are available to ensure that long-term perspectives are laid down in the strategy and to prevent that short-term focus prevails? Keywords are: climate accountability, board structure, incentivization (remuneration), long term value creation, exchange & dialogue.

Work forms

The working methods are interactive and aimed at stimulating exchange with scientists, experts by experience and peers. Knowledge sharing, application, inspiration, reflection and vision formation are central to this. We will invite and challenge the participants to share and discuss their experiences. There is made use of:

  • Living cases
  • Lectures/webinars
  • Panel discussion
  • Intervision
  • Inspirational site visit
  • Creative sessions
Laatst gewijzigd:09 april 2024 08:45