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Energy Academy Europe

The Energy Academy Europe (EAE) is an international centre of excellence in energy education, research and innovation, located in Groningen, the Netherlands. It is an initiative of the University of Groningen and Hanze University of Applied Sciences. It focuses on the transition to a reliable, sustainable and affordable energy future. The main themes are gas (including biogas and green gas), renewables (like wind and solar energy), smart grids, energy efficiency (including the energy-water-food nexus) and CO2 reduction. The EAE welcomes all individuals, organizations and businesses who want to contribute to our goals.


Energy is a key sector in the global as well as the Dutch economy. The Netherlands is one of the top eight gas producers in the world, and one of the top two in Europe. Energy has been at the centre of economic and knowledge-based activities in the Northern Netherlands for nearly 50 years. The region is a trailblazer in Europe in the areas of natural gas, stable electricity provision and the integration of sustainable energy in the energy supply chain (e.g. the development of green gas hubs). The Energy Academy Europe will build on these strengths in the existing infrastructures of companies and universities to become an international hotspot of energy education, research and innovation. The ambition of the EAE is to contribute significantly to facilitating and accelerating the transition to a sustainable energy future.

How will we do this?

The Energy Academy Europe is unique in at least four ways:

  • In its interdisciplinary, integrated approach to energy issues. At the core of the EAE is the conviction that in addition to technical expertise, social, legal, geographic and economic knowledge must play important roles if we are to innovate successfully in the area of energy.
  • In the way it combines different levels of education: from vocational training (in the Energy College) to higher/academic education and postgraduate programmes (in the Energy Delta Institute). The EAE will therefore contribute to enhancing the pool of skilled workers, professionals and researchers in the energy sector.
  • In the way it embraces a demand-driven approach: active dialogue and cooperation with companies and public entities to help innovate and expand teaching and research programmes.
  • In the way it provides a multi-utility testing environment (EnTranCe = Energy Transition Center) for the development, testing and demonstration of innovations, as well as facilitating start-ups that will contribute to enhancing economic activity.

Building Energy Academy Europe

The EAE is located on the Zernike campus in the most sustainable education building in the Netherlands. The iconic building has a special transparent construction with a natural ventilation system. The roof is completely covered with solar panels. The 15,000 m2 building was handed over in autumn 2016 and soon after won the prestigious BREEAM Award 2017. The building was officially opened in May 2017.
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Last modified:20 May 2022 10.26 a.m.
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