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Winter 2014

Worldwide Newsletter, University of Groningen
Monica Ara de Nyeko

Monica Arac de Nyeko, Alumnus of the Year 2014

The University of Groningen has selected Ugandan writer and UNICEF humanitarian specialist Monica Arac de Nyeko as its Alumnus of the Year 2014. 'Monica Arac de Nyeko is a woman who in her work commits to vulnerable groups such as women and children in Africa. She therefore gives expression to one of the core values of our University', concluded the jury. 'Monica is a prime example of the great potential of the international students at the University of Groningen and is a fantastic ambassador for our University. We hope she receives the attention that she deserves, not just inside but also outside Africa.'

Successful RUG400 celebrations reflect University's strong ties with city, region and alumni

The University of Groningen is an important link binding people with the city of Groningen, as was shown by the celebration of the University’s 400th anniversary. ̒In a commemorative year such as this, you see not only how intimately connected the University is with the city but also how many people in the Netherlands still feel a close bond with our city because of the time they spent here at the University,’ says Hans Poll, Director of Marketing Groningen. Read more...

RUG400 memorial book

RUG400 memorial book

The memorial book Celebrating 400 years University of Groningen is an attempt to reflect all the special moments and events that took place in words and pictures, and to capture them for posterity. The University and everyone associated with it made the celebrations momentous, multifaceted and unforgettable. The memorial book is a bilingual (Dutch-English) publication and contains many pictures and digital references. It is available digitally, hard copies can be ordered at the University Shop.

EQUIS accreditation puts Faculty of Economics and Business among global top 1% of business schools

The European accreditation institution EFMD has announced that the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the University of Groningen deserves its prestigious EQUIS label after an extensive and rigorous quality inspection of FEB’s education, research and facilities.

Festive installation of new Rosalind Franklin Fellows

On Monday 10 November 2014, seventeen new Rosalind Franklin Fellows were installed at the University of Groningen. Rector Magnificus Elmer Sterken and Prof. Ingrid Molema, Chair of the RFF Committee, stressed the importance of the Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme. Read more and watch the video portraits.

The Eric Bleumink Fund

Each year in December, the University of Groningen asks for your attention for the Eric Bleumink Fund. The fund provides scholarships for talented students and young researchers from developing countries. With this scholarship they can study in Groningen and develop their academic skills. Our Alumnus of the Year Monica Arac de Nyeko was once an Eric Bleumink Fund student too. Since the launch in 2000, over fifty young and ambitious people have received a scholarship. Support the Eric Bleumink Fund.

Academy Building

Unifocus, our online video magazine

Annual review 2014: What did the University put into and get out of 2014? We are delighted to present a number of highlights. Although we cannot show everything, here is a selection of what went on at the University in 2014, a year dominated by activities celebrating its 400th anniversary.

University of Groningen and UMCG driving the North-Netherlands economy

The University of Groningen and the UMCG are cornerstones of the economy in the north of the Netherlands. They both enjoy a strong international reputation and are highly respected for their excellent teaching and research output. The University of Groningen and the UMCG are cornerstones of the economy in the north of the Netherlands. They both enjoy a strong international reputation and are highly respected for their excellent teaching and research output. Read more...


New office to make an expat's life easier

The International Welcome Center North in Groningen officially opened its doors last month. One single place for expats to turn to for their paperwork and other questions related to their stay in the north of the Netherlands. Foreigners who come to live in the North of the Netherlands for work or study, now have a place to go to in Groningen, to apply for residence permits, a social security number, housing or other practical questions. Read more...

Placental lesions affect illness severity and development in preterm born children

One or more placental lesions are present in approximately 90% of all preterm births. These lesions lead to a higher illness severity in newborn babies and can affect the development of toddlers and schoolchildren. This is one of the findings of research carried out by Annemiek Roescher from the UMCG. Read more...

Marleen Janssen

‘Deafblind people often live in isolation’

Marleen Janssen has held the world’s only chair of ‘Congenital and Early-Acquired Deafblindness’ since 2008. Thanks to her academic endeavours it is becoming more and more clear how the lives of people who are both visually and hearing impaired can be improved. However, too little is being done for them in practice, she thinks. Most people cannot even begin to imagine what it is like: how the world is experienced by people who are completely – or almost completely – blind and deaf. Marleen Janssen, who has often had to put herself in these people’s shoes in her professional work, can imagine it. Read more...

Maria Azhar wins Shell Graduation Prize for Physics for research into microstructures

On 28 November, Maria Azhar was presented with a Shell Graduation Prize for Physics worth € 5,000 by the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) in Haarlem. Maria Azhar won this prize for theoretical research carried out at the University of Groningen on spiral magnetic ordering in what is referred to as the Kondo model. Read more...

Bea ten Tusscher

Alumna on the move: Bea ten Tusscher, ambassador in Oslo

Bea ten Tusscher (53), alumna in Swedish, has worked as a diplomat in Dutch embassies in the Czech Republic, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh and Guatemala. Last year, she returned to her Scandinavian academic roots as ambassador in Oslo. Bea ten Tusscher started studying Swedish more or less by accident. ‘I wanted to do something in tourism or journalism, but I didn’t get a place. So Swedish it was. Read more...

Unilever CEO Paul Polman chairman Ubbo Emmius Fund

Paul Polman (1956) has been appointed the new chairman of the Ubbo Emmius Fund (UEF), the alumni fund of the University of Groningen. Polman is the successor to Jan Willem Baud, who will remain active as a board member. The Ubbo Emmius Fund raises funds for chairs, scientific research, knowledge centers and scholarships. Read more...


RUG Alumni Events around the World

The University of Groningen aims to keep its alumni close, even though they are spread out all over the world. We currently have about 17,000 international alumni. In 2014 the University organized 14 alumni events in cities where a lot of them reside. Hong Kong, Singapore, Zurich, Washington DC and New York are the places where formal regional networks have been established. We like to call these networks 'Alumni Chapters'. In November, we launched our 6th alumni chapter in Jakarta with approximately 100 alumni. In the nearby future we would like to offer London and the United Arab Emirates such a network too.

Recent past alumni events:

  • Beijing: The University of Groningen invited her Beijing alumni to a dinner organized by Neso China on 24 October
  • Yogyakarta: On 30 October, RUG representatives Tienke Koning (director Ubbo Emmius Fund) and Ronald Holzhacker (Senior Lecturer, Comparative Political Science and International Relations) visited Yogyakarta to meet RUG alumni over dinner
  • Singapore: RUG representatives Ronald Holzhacker and Tienke Koning. Holzhacker also visited our RUG Chapter in Singapore, on Friday 31 October
  • Jakarta: On 7 November an overwhelming amount of 100 alumni celebrated the launch of our newest chapter in Jakarta. Chapter president is Mark Noordbroek-Hegt, Managing Director of Vopak Indonesia
  • New York: On 18 November 50 RUG alumni in New York attended an evening at the headquarters of Heineken USA. Host was RUG alumnus Dolf van den Brink (1991), President & CEO Heineken USA, who shared with alumni the history and origins of Heineken and Heineken USA and the inspiring changes he made since he was elected CEO in 2009
  • Denver: RUG alumni in Denver came together with other Holland alumni on 6 December and RUG representatives Marieke Blaauw en Hanny Elzinga, coordinators of the Honours College
  • Hong Kong: our solid network of Hong Kong alumni met on 11 December, to meet our President Sibrand Poppema and to get research updates from Ginny Chan, the young researcher in bird ecology they support. Ginny just finished her fieldwork in Australia and was excited to share interesting data
  • Dubai: on 18 December our alumni in the United Arab Emirates met for the first time, to explore their interest to start an alumni chapter

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The University of Groningen wishes you happy holidays and a wonderful 2015!

Last modified:10 September 2024 3.23 p.m.