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12 March: UG takes measures to contain corona virus

All teaching, exams and large events cancelled until 10 April and where possible, teaching online

Please check for the latest updates.

On Thursday 12 March, the Dutch government decided that all teaching at universities in the Netherlands will be cancelled until 31 March. The UG ifollows this advice and has taken the following measures:

  • From Friday 13 March until at least Friday 10 April, all physical lectures, seminars, tutorials and exams will be cancelled. Please note that this applies to all exams that require physical attendance. Where possible, teaching and exams will be offered online. Information about working and studying online can be found via the Student Portal (students) and My University (staff).
  • All students will soon receive information about the possible consequences of these measures for teaching and examinations.
  • Research activities will continue as much as possible.
  • All study rooms in the University Library (City and Zernike), Central Medical Library (CMB) and at the faculties will be closed from Friday 13 March until at least Friday 10 April. Studium Generale, the USVA, the University Museum and the Sports Centre will also be closed during this period. The faculty buildings will stay open.
  • All events with more than 100 participants (including inaugural lectures and PhD ceremonies) will be cancelled or postponed. The same applies to events that faculties and services organize themselves.
  • All external events with more than 100 attendants taking place on UG premises will be cancelled.
  • Staff will work from home as much as possible, and if their role allows them to. Staff should discuss this with their manager.
  • Non-essential work travel is no longer permitted unless absolutely necessary.
  • Staff with colds, or symptoms such as cough or fever should stay at home and if necessary, report their illness to their manager.

Cancelled activities and exams will be rescheduled, as soon as this is possible again. All current information about the coronavirus can be found on which is updated daily at 9.00 and 13.00 or more often if the situation calls for this. The FAQ on this page will be updated regularly, and questions received from inside and outside the University will be included.

This is a challenging time for the academic community, and we are aware of the immense impact of our decisions. We are making every possible effort to limit the negative impact on students and staff.

Last modified:20 January 2025 2.00 p.m.
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