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New open access book series “Global Cultures and Politics” published with UGP

18 May 2020
The first edition of the book series “Global Cultures and Politics”
The first edition of the book series “Global Cultures and Politics”

The new open access book series “Global Cultures and Politics”, co-edited by Professor Pablo Valdivia (Faculty of Arts), is published by the University of Groningen Press together with the UFRO University Press, Chile (Universidad de La Frontera, UFRO, Chile). Books in the series are published in English and Spanish alternately.

The first edition is entitled “Leyendo el tejido social: Análisis discursivo y retórica cultural en el sur global“.


The contemporary state of affairs is way too complex to presuppose that a simple formula will be enough to synthesize all its multiple facets. The fact that both our institutions and our mental life are regulated by communication is more and more evident. It is also clear that human history should submit itself to a democratic consensus, and that contemporary societies have to proclaim themselves democratic, pretending many times they are following a consensus that must be the kernel of collective and of individual development.

This consensus, however, is itself also being submitted to an all-encompassing social experiment. Such an experiment is permanently looking for new laws and new accomplishments, because in complying with the scientific model, it presupposes that laws previously valid, and previous social accomplishments no longer apply because social life is in need of being reinvented and people should live in harmony the new laws. The individuals are therefore entangled in this continuous reconfiguration of their institutions and of themselves.

They are nolens volens obliged to judge this perpetual renewal of their social tissue in order to secure their own personal life. This book is an answer to the now globally widespread need of judgment by everyone of the results of this continuous reconfiguration, and although it does not claim any final conclusion, it sums up many important views about our time, coming from human and social that should be an important contribution to the construction a humanity worth living.

The series “Global Cultures and Politics”

The series aims to publish innovative, multidisciplinary and cutting edge new scholarship in Global Cultures and Politics irrespective of subject matter, methodological approach or theoretical angle. The series brings the latest academic contributions in Global Studies, Cultural Analytics and Literary Studies to bear on the most timely societal challenges and scientific debates in our contemporary societies.

The collaboration between Prof. dr. Pablo Valdivia (UG) and Prof. dr. Carlos del Valle (UFRO) started in 2015 under the framework of a Horizon 2020 Marie Curie RISE project on “Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal” which fostered the research matchmaking and staff exchange of scholars from both the Chair of European Culture & Literature (Valdivia’s Chair) and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (Del Valle’s former Dean).

In 2016, a bilateral agreement between the Faculty of Arts (UG) and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (UFRO) was signed. Since then, Prof. Valdivia and Prof. del Valle have established an extensive range of successful academic initiatives: double PhDs, PhD programs, research stays, international grant funding, international conferences, amongst others.

In this regard, the new series “Global Cultures and Politics”, co-edited by University of Groningen Press and UFRO University Press, represents a continuation of the last five years of fruitful collaboration and joint work. It contributes to consolidate even further the ongoing successful lines of research, which involve currently a total of seven PhD students in addition to one ANID international research project titled “Converging Horizons” (The Netherlands, Argentina, Brazil, Chile).

Besides, this publication serves as an excellent example on how this research and academic opportunities network has diversified into a global joint effort that connects scholars from more than ten different countries and proves the impact and the quality of the Chair of European Culture and Literature (UG) as a top-class international scientific hub amongst its peers.

Last modified:13 December 2023 09.51 a.m.

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