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The Leeuwarden Summer School on Cultural & Linguistic Diversity, Diversity Management for Social Justice 2022

05 September 2022
The Leeuwarden Summer School on Cultural & Linguistic Diversity, Diversity Management for Social Justice 2022

Modern societies host a superdiverse population where social exclusion or marginalization may prevent people's wellbeing, education, and health. How can we understand superdiversity and what are the best policies for addressing this diversity?

These were the main questions during the Leeuwarden Summer School on Cultural & Linguistic Diversity, Diversity Management for Social Justice

From 20 to 24 June 2022, “The Summer School on Diversity Management for Social Justice” was held in Leeuwarden (The Netherlands). It was organized by Dr. Maria Mazzoli, Dr. Aurélie Joubert and Dr. Seonok Lee with help of Diletta Comunello, Savarese, Marianna" and Gloria Cavalieri.

The main focus of this summer school was diversity management and social justice.

The students had diverse backgrounds, master, PhD students, practitioners and researchers from The Netherlands, Spain, The UK, Germany, Mexico, the US and so on. The invited lecturers had also diverse backgrounds from The Netherlands, The UK, Germany, Brazil, Turkey, Canada and Sami community.

The Leeuwarden summer school focused on the questions such as:

• Diversity management and urban policies

• Diversity management and policies in (higher) education

• Diversity management in the workplace

• Diversity management, language planning and indigenous minorities

• A special session will be devoted to decolonizing research, management practices and policy writing.

During the summer school, the enthusiastic students participated intensive lectures, debates, policy writing workshops and a field trip to a beautiful Dutch fishing town Harlingen to reflect on the colonial history of the Dutch slave trade.

Last modified:02 June 2023 2.31 p.m.

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