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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

The Sustainable Society Grants ceremony 2022 in photo's

05 December 2022

On Thursday 24 November our PhD Grants 2022 were awarded to the eight winners. The PhD Grants ceremony 2022 was held in Land van Kokanje. Every year we award 8 grants of 2000 euros. This grant enables PhD candidates to broaden their horizon and give their research output an extra push. See our photo's below.

More on the research of the Grant Winners

r. Frans J. Sijtsma and the jury
Director dr. Frans J. Sijtsma of the Agricola School for Sustainable Development, and (with flowers) the jury: Dr. Başak Bilecen, Dr. Joram Tarusarira, and Selen Eren. Photo's: Jenne Hoekstra
Presentations of Zeqiang Pan and Kjell Winkens
Presentations of Zeqiang Pan and Kjell Winkens. Photo's: Jenne Hoekstra
Presentations of Hester Huisman and Denise Mensonides
Presentations of Hester Huisman and Denise Mensonides. Photo's: Jenne Hoekstra
Presentations of Olga Bernadet and Junyu Zhang
Presentations of Olga Bernadet and Junyu Zhang. Photo's: Jenne Hoekstra
Group discussion with dr. Frans J. Sijtsma, Denise Mensonides wins the extra price.
Group discussion with dr. Frans J. Sijtsma, Denise Mensonides wins the extra price. Photo's: Jenne Hoekstra
The eight Grant winners 2022
All the eight Grant winners 2022
Sustainable Society Grant 2022 winners
Sustainable Society Grant 2022 winners Photo: Jenne Hoekstra
Sustainable Society Grant 2022 winners and the jury
Sustainable Society Grant 2022 winners and the jury, Photo: Jenne Hoekstra
Last modified:09 June 2023 4.52 p.m.

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