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Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Header image Centre of Expertise CEnBER

Imports of hydrogen produced by electrolysis from Morocco more competitive than local production

Datum:08 april 2022
The most competitive supply route of low carbon hydrogen to the North-west European market, is hydrogen produced through SMR with CCS in Norway, with unit costs of supply of just above 2 €/kg. If one only considers hydrogen supply by electrolysis with the use of renewable electricity, supply from Morocco is less expensive than production in Europe, with estimated levelized supply costs of slightly above 4 €/kg. Because hydrogen transport costs rapidly increase with distance, supply of hydrogen over large intercontinental distances is not competitive.

Hydrogen production through electrolysis can offer flexibility to electricity markets, but its costs are much higher than its benefits (for now, at least)

Datum:18 oktober 2021

Many governments, including the EU, give a prominent role to hydrogen produced via Power-to-Gas (i.e., electrolysis) as a flexibility provider to balance mismatches between electricity supply and demand which may increase because of the increased...

District Heating Systems

Optimal design of district-heating system depends on characteristics neighbourhood as well as situation in electricity market

Datum:07 september 2021
From a societal perspective, the optimal design of district-heating systems depends on both the characteristics of the houses which have to be connected, in particular how much heat they demand, and the situation in the electricity market.
Renewable energy

Investors in green energy make a lot of profit from subsidies

Datum:19 april 2021

By: Daan Hulshof, researcher and lecturer executive program Successful Energy Transition with Multidisciplinary Approach (University of Groningen Business School)

CEER policy paper 9

Useful lessons for hydrogen policy from transitions in agriculture and other sectors

Datum:26 januari 2021

When setting up the policy to realize the transition in the energy supply to hydrogen, useful lessons can be drawn from previous transitions in other sectors, such as in the natural gas sector, agriculture, housing and the electricity sector. These lessons...

CEER policy paper 8

Minder olie- en gaswinning door Shell geen effect op wereldwijd verbruik

Datum:26 november 2020

Machiel Mulder, Daan Hulshof, Peter Perey en Lennard Rekker van het Centre for Energy Economics Research (CEER) van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen hebben het effect van minder olie- en gaswinning onderzocht op het wereldwijde verbruik. Eerder hadden enkele...


Webinar Waterstof woensdag 14 oktober 2020

Datum:08 oktober 2020

De productie (elektrolyse) van het op zichzelf 'schone' waterstof is erg duur en er is nog steeds fossiele energie voor nodig. Wanneer zal waterstof economisch rendabel en klimaatverantwoord zijn? Moeten elektrolysers wel of geen subsidie krijgen? Wat is...

Beheerders energienetten presteren goed: lagere kosten en hogere kwaliteit

Datum:09 juli 2020

De kosten van het gebruik van de distributienetten voor gas en elektriciteit in Nederland zijn in het afgelopen decennium met ongeveer 2% per jaar gedaald. Bij de stroomnetten is bovendien de kwaliteit van de levering sterk toegenomen. Het aantal minuten...

Energy Post Panel Discussion on cross-border capacity

Datum:22 april 2020
The share of renewable generation in Europe’s power system is rising fast, but interconnection is not keeping up. This will be one of the themes discussed during the Energy Post Panel Discussion on cross border capacity. In this online event, that will be hosted on May 19, our director Prof. Machiel Mulder will be one of the panelists discussing several regulatory issues on cross border trade of electricity systems.

CEER co-organizes workshop on Innovations in DSO Regulation; Update: Workshop postponed

Datum:10 maart 2020
On Friday 3 April 2020, the Utrecht University will host a workshop on Innovations in DSO regulation, organized by CEER together with the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development and the Benelux Association for Energy Economics (BAEE).