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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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Seminar at European Parliament “Towards a Social and Democratic Europe: Accelerating the Societal Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities Research”

Wanneer:di 21-11-2017 08:45 - 12:30
Waar:European Parliament, Brussels

Invitation for the seminar hosted by Mr. Dimitrios PapadimoulisMEP, Vice-President to the European Parliament:

“Towards a Social and Democratic Europe: Accelerating the Societal Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities Research”

Investing in scientific research is important, however how can we better grasp and further stimulate the societal value of these investments? Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in particular delivers innovative insights that help tackle issues like unemployment, inequalities and migration while it also informs our debates about the future of democracy and governance. However, the societal value of SSH research is often underestimated.

In this seminar, distinguished experts in the field address how Social Sciences and the Humanities contribute to a better understanding and provides potential solutions and innovative insights for a wide range of societal challenges on EU level. The seminar is hosted by the Horizon 2020 CSA ACCOMPLISSH (Accelerate Co-creation by setting up a Multi-Actor Platform for Impact from Social Sciences and Humanities).

Interested to join this session? Please let us know by sending an email to