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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

Sustainable Society Symposium 'Emerging societal challenges, towards a shared agenda'

Wanneer:do 28-10-2021
Waar:Forum Groningen

The second Sustainable Society Symposium 'Emerging societal challenges, towards a shared agenda' will take place on Thursday 28 October 2021. The afternoon will kick off with a keynote lecture of Ambassador Marcel Beukeboom. Marcel is the Dutch Permanent Representative at the United Nations in Rome and will talk about food and the future of food production. Next, prof. dr. Rafael Wittek, theoretical sociologist at the UG, will discuss societal challenges as a policy problem. Finally, participants will break out in different research group sessions: (1) Democracy & Governance, (2) Sustainable Landscapes, (3) Illicit Trade and (4) Disaster Resilience.

  • When: Thursday 28 October 2021, 13:30-17:00 hrs
  • Where: Forum Groningen

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