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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

Climate No Future | Photo exposition in Galerie Lichtzone Groningen

From:We 01-05-2024
Until:Su 26-05-2024
Where:Galerie Lichtzone, Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 36, Groningen.

This exhibition explores the depiction of current climate protests through the eyes of the protesters themselves. The monstrous effects of the climate crisis are difficult for people to comprehend. Images offer access to uncertain climate futures and allow us to imagine the unthinkable. This exhibition explores the depiction of current climate protests through the eyes of the protesters themselves.

Protest action by Fridays for Future at the COP27 World Climate Conference in Sharm-El-Sheik, Egypt. Florian König, Sharm el-Sheikh, 15 November 2022. 
Protest action by Fridays for Future at the COP27 World Climate Conference in Sharm-El-Sheik, Egypt. Florian König, Sharm el-Sheikh, 15 November 2022. 

The exhibition showcases 34 photographs taken by members of three pivotal climate movements of our time: Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for Future, and the Last Generation. It documents the fears, hopes and demands of the Anthropocene generation – a generation growing up on an increasingly dynamic and troubled planet.

This exhibition is the outcome of the research project "Security Imaginaries of Climate Movements," (SECIMA) which is jointly funded by the University of Groningen and the University of Hamburg and led by Dr. Delf Rothe and Dr. David Shim and their collaboration with NonFiction Photo.

Extinction Rebellion protester in front of the ING Bank in the Groningen City Center. , Gert-Jan Rodenboog, Groningen, 24-04-2023
Extinction Rebellion protester in front of the ING Bank in the Groningen City Center. , Gert-Jan Rodenboog, Groningen, 24-04-2023

Visitor Information


Visit the exhibition at Lichtzone Gallery in Groningen between May 1st and 26th, free of charge.

The exhibition and the events are suitable for both Dutch and English audiences. The location is wheelchair accessible. The gallery is located at Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat, no. 36 in Groningen.



Social media       Facebook - @nonfictionphoto

                              Instagram - @nonfiction_photo

                              LinkedIn - Stichting NonFiction Photo 

Openingstijden Tentoonstelling

Wednesday - Sunday                      : 12.00 - 17.00 


Opening                                             : Thursday 2 May 20.00 - 22.00 (walk-in 19.30)

Finissage                                            : zaterdag 25 May 20.00 - 22.00 (walk-in 19.30)

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