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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School Community

Blogs - Archive

For a lively debate, it is important to get a glimpse into what other members of our network are doing. To stimulate this sharing of knowledge, Sustainable Society showcases short stories written by academics at the UG about the societal challenges that they are working on. For that reason, we run a blog series that presents such questions as: could birth control solve the climate problem? How could employers better integrate refugees into their workforce? And what makes you happy at work? In our blog series, you can read the latest commentary by our UG colleagues on the societal questions that humanity is facing, or on the latest developments in the news.

Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement

Book Review: Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement

Date:24 January 2022

Book review: Neil Dufty: Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement. John Wiley And Sons Ltd, 2020

Green Swans

Book review: Green Swans: The Coming Boom In Regenerative Capitalism.

Date:30 November 2021
Book review: John Elkington. Green Swans: The Coming Boom In Regenerative Capitalism. New York, Fast Company Press, 2020.
Raymond Klaassen

Podcast: Zonneparken in opkomst. Alleen hoe zit het met de dieren, planten en de bodem?

Date:26 May 2021
Sustainable Society x 20voor12 De Podcast: Zonneparken in opkomst. Alleen hoe zit het met de dieren, planten en de bodem?
Can Democracy Handle Climate Change? by Daniel J. Fiorino

Book Review: Can Democracy Handle Climate Change?

Date:26 November 2020

Book Review: Fiorino, Daniel J. Can Democracy Handle Climate Change? Cambridge (UK): Polity Press, 2018.

The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan Haidt

Book Review: The Coddling of the American Mind

Date:02 November 2020

Book Review: Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt. The Coddling of the American Mind. How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting Up a Generation for Failure. New York, Penguin Press, 2018

Why Trust Science?

Book Review: Why Trust Science?

Date:22 July 2020

Book Review:  N. Oreskes (2019). Why Trust Science? Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Dr. Kees van Veen

Blog: The coronavirus as a planetary boundary effect

Date:06 May 2020

An interview with Sustainable Society's Scientific Director dr. Kees van Veen on how the coronavirus affects his area of expertise.

© Markus Spiske via Pexels

Blog: Do we Really Know that Chinese COVID-19 Statistics are being Manipulated?

Date:18 April 2020

A blog by Lukas Linsi and Roberto Aragão

Wander Jager develops his thoughts on the time after the COVID-19 pandemic

Blog: Not back to normal

Date:17 April 2020

A blog by Wander Jager

The corona crisis is a test and also an opportunity to prepare for worse times to come.

Blog: Deep Adaptation in unprecedented times

Date:10 April 2020

A blog by Lummina Horlings

Predictions on the spread of COVID-19

Blog: Predictions on the spread of COVID-19 bear many uncertainties

Date:01 April 2020

An interview with Wander Jager, by Nataliia Sokolovska

Het grote gevecht & het eenzame verlies van Paul Polman

Book Review: Het grote gevecht & het eenzame gelijk van Paul Polman

Date:17 March 2020

Book Review: Smit, J. (2019). Het grote gevecht & het eenzame gelijk van Paul Polman. Amsterdam: Prometheus. 

Democracy and Prosperity; Reinventing Capitalism through a Turbulent Century

Book Review: Democracy and Prosperity; Reinventing Capitalism through a Turbulent Century

Date:20 January 2020

Book Review: Iversen, T. & Soskice, D. (2019). Democracy and Prosperity; Reinventing Capitalism through a Turbulent Century. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Marc & Liesbeth

Blog: Gemeente en RUG werken samen aan nieuwe vormen van democratie in Groningen

Date:09 September 2019

Liesbeth van de Wetering, werkzaam bij de Concernstaf van de Gemeente Groningen en Marc Pauly, filosoof aan de Rijksuniversiteit van Groningen (RUG) zijn betrokken bij experimenten met nieuwe vormen van democratie in Groningen. Uitgangspunt hierbij is dat...

Joop de Beer

Blog: Geboorteperking lost het klimaatprobleem niet op

Date:10 July 2019
Author:Joop de Beer

De groei van de wereldbevolking baart veel beleidsmakers zorgen. Denk aan uitdagingen als de klimaatverandering en de voedselvoorziening. In 2015 telde de wereldbevolking 7,4 miljard mensen. Volgens de laatste verwachting van de Verenigde Naties (VN) op 17...

Dr. Nina Hansen

Blog: Integration is a two-way street - A training that prepares employers to hire refugees

Date:20 June 2019
A special day, Monday 3 June 2019. For 1.5 years we have been working on developing a training to prepare Dutch employers to hire and work with newcomers: ‘Dealing with cultural diversity, training for realistic tolerance at the workplace’. Now we were invited to present and discuss our research project to the Minster of Education, Science and Culture: Ingrid van Engelshoven in The Hague.
Susanne Täuber

Blog: Rookvrije initiatieven - Sluit mensen niet buiten

Date:29 May 2019
Author:Susanne Täuber

Wereldwijd overlijden jaarlijks veel mensen aan de gevolgen van roken, zowel rokers als niet rokers. Ook in Nederland is roken nog steeds de grootste oorzaak van ziekte en sterfte. De 'Wereld Niet Rokendag' is daarom een goed initiatief voor een duurzame...

Linda Steg

Blog: Klimaatverandering: aandacht voor de dingen die we al goed doen

Date:11 March 2019
Author:Linda Steg

Linda Steg, hoogleraar Omgevingspsychologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit van Groningen, vertelt over motivaties om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan:

Eva Maersk recieving the Impact Award

Blog: Impact award - Research communication about young regional stayers

Date:12 February 2019

In recent years Europe has seen an increase in research grants which requires societal impact and research communication in the applications for funding. The ACCOMPLISSH-project under Sustainable Society at University of Groningen has been the number one...

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