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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Research Intelligence Services Demonstrating impact

Demonstrating impact

Demonstrating the impact of research has numerous purposes. It is crucial when a research group or individual is building their research profile as well as when seeking out potential collaborators. It is a constituent part of Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP), required in grant applications, as well as in progress reports and job applications. Due to the increasing importance placed on the societal relevance of research, identifying how one’s research is being used by the wider society and how it benefits it is also becoming an important consideration – one that calls for not just demonstrating, but co-creating impact with diverse societal stakeholders.

Demonstrating impact
Photo: Sylvia Germes
How can Research Impact Services help you demonstrate and enhance your impact?

We can support you in tracking and demonstrating impact through trainings, tool demonstrations, analysis, peer-review and related activities. If you have any research impact questions you need answered, contact us, or follow the links below.

Research Intelligence Support rise
Shaya Abdolahzadeh: +31(0)631983049

Last modified:30 January 2024 2.22 p.m.