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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Borrowing & Renewing

General rules & regulations Martini card holders

Rules for use of library facilities
Front of UB

When using the University Library (UB City Centre, UB Zernike and the Medical Library), one conforms to the general rules of the UG. By using the services, facilities or materials of the University Library, the user also automatically agrees to the provisions of these regulations.

General rules



Visitors should follow directions and instructions from library staff and security personnel.

Access and opening hours
  • A valid access card will grant access to the University Library services.
  • Opening hours are posted visible to visitors in the building and on the website. The established opening hours may be changed by the head of library.

Smoking, drugs and alcohol

Smoking, use of drugs and alcohol are not permitted in and around the University Library.

Rules per room

Signage indicates the rules per room regarding noise, eating and drinking.
See: House rules UB

Camera surveillance

The University Library uses camera surveillance; this surveillance is subject to the Regulation on Camera Surveillance Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Complaints and objections

Complaints can be submitted via library or via the Complaint Form. A response will be given within two weeks. Objections can be submitted via the General complaints regulations at the UG.


A variety of workplace/studyplaces are offered in the study rooms. The UB also has studios and group studios. The studios must be reserved in advance; in exam periods, regular workplaces also have to be reserved.

- Reserve a study place
- Reserve a studio

  • Workstations, computers and networking facilities in the study rooms are made available for study purposes only.

  • Please clear your workspace for another person if you will be away from your workspace for more than 30 minutes.

Borrowers and library card


Eligible borrowers are:

  • Staff members of the UG; borrower's card is valid for the duration of employment.
  • UG students; the library card (student card) is valid for the duration of the study.
  • Other persons authorized by the librarian; Borrower's card is valid for a period to be determined by the librarian.

Borrower information
  • The holder of a library card is responsible for the accuracy of the data on the pass. In case of changes, the procedure to be followed depends on the type of card.
    More information: Access and borrower card

  • At the request of the library card pass holder, all personal data pertaining to them may be removed from the borrower records upon termination of membership, provided that all materials borrowed by them have been returned and fees due have been paid.

Library card
  • The library card is strictly personal.
  • In order to borrow materials from the library's holdings, the borrower must have a valid library card.
  • Staff and students use their UG card.
  • The category of 'other persons' obtains a library card. In some cases, a membership fee may be charged.
  • Borrowers are required to show their library card upon request.
  • Borrowers are not permitted to lend the borrowed item to others or to take the borrowed item abroad.
  • The holder of the card is at all times responsible for its use or misuse, including by any third parties.
  • If the pass is lost, the holder must immediately notify the Library Support Desk. The library card will be invalidated after notification.
  • In the event of loss, theft or damage, it depends on the type of card which procedure must be followed and whether there are costs involved.

More information : Access and library card

Collection and borrowing


Conditions are set by the librarian for viewing and borrowing certain works and materials. Non-lendable publications include manuscripts, pre-1900 prints, precious and rare works, loose issues of periodicals and reference works.
See : House rules Special Collections

  • The borrower is responsible for returning the borrowed item to the University Library in the same condition.
  • Scanning or copying vulnerable material requires permission from the librarian. Precious materials may be reproduced by the librarian by arrangement and for a fee.
  • It is not permitted to leave the library with materials belonging to the library's collection without borrowing these materials through the automated lending system.
  • Copying is subject to the rules of copyright.
  • The digital collection is accessible only to UG staff and students. External visitors can access the digital collection via a guest PC in the library.
    More information: Non-UG visitors

Loan period

The loan period of materials is 4 weeks unless otherwise indicated. The loan is automatically extended as long as no other borrower has reserved the material.
See: Loan period, renewal


Borrowers may have materials, which have been loaned to another borrower, reserved for them. The librarian will send them notice as soon as the requested material is available. The material will remain reserved for the borrower at that library location for one week after the notice is sent.


Return of borrowed material can be done at the following locations: UB Binnenstad, UB Zernike, Medical Library, Campus Fryslân and Tresoar (Leeuwarden). The borrower can obtain a certificate of return upon request when returning the borrowed material.

Penalty regulation

If materials are returned late, fines may be imposed.


Borrowers who do not return the borrowed material or do not pay an imposed fine may have their card blocked for borrowing transactions until the material has been returned and outstanding fine paid.

  • The borrower is liable for damage to or loss of the borrowed from the time it is handed to them at their request until it is back in the possession of the University Library and processed in the loan records.

  • In the event of loss or damage, the borrower will be charged replacement of the copy or the cost of repair, plus an administration fee.

Borrowing from other libraries

Interlibrary loan

The library mediates the borrowing of works from the holdings of other libraries. The borrowing of these works is subject to these rules as well as the lending rules of the other library.

Any costs associated with interlibrary loan are the responsibility of the applicant.

More information: ILL-tarieven (interlibrary loans)

Final provisions


These regulations apply to all university library facilities. The librarian is in charge of its implementation.

Protection of personal data

The University Library is responsible for protecting the personal data of its borrowers, according to the rules and conditions set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  • The University Library is not liable for damage to and/or theft of personal property of users or visitors.

  • The UG excludes any liability for damage arising from and related to the use of study places and the network.

  • If a user of the University Library refuses to comply with these regulations, is a nuisance to other visitors, causes damage to the collection or equipment of the library, the librarian is authorised, without prejudice to the authority of the Executive Board pursuant to Article 7.57H HRA, to take the necessary measures to prevent immediate or imminent damage or disruption of order in the library.

  • In case of violation of the rules and instructions given by or under these regulations, access to the library may be denied for a period to be determined. Denial of access to the library shall be communicated in writing to the person concerned.


In cases not covered by these regulations, the librarian or their designee shall decide.

Last modified:19 December 2024 09.19 a.m.
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